
My son got bit by a garter snake

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My son got bit by a garter snake




  1. use a gause pad and a bandaid no big deal they are not venomous

  2. it's ok perfectly harmless garter snakes are from the snake family coulbrid and are not venomous just wash it to make sure it don't get infected ...i'd be real suprissed if it broke the skin the ones we have around here their teeth are like velcro

  3. Garters aren't poisonous. like the person said above me put neosporin on there and if he does get infected just get a prescription from a doctor for an anti-biotic. But again they aren't poisonous

  4. cool it lady he will be fine

  5. wash the wound, apply a topical ointment like neosporin, and watch to make sure it does not swell or get infected.

    Garters are pretty harmless, just very feisty.

  6. Sarahyoung8, that is a very uncaring response to a mother concerned about her child, and it is not a beneficial response in any way.  Are you sure that response falls within the community guidelines of acceptable responses which aren't of a slurring nature?

    If you can't add anything beneficial or helpful - then don't click up the question just fishing for answering points.

    (YES I know THIS is chat/rant, and IN violation, but I'm tired of reading these kinds of answers.  Feel free to report me.)

    As to responding to the post - first, I apologize.  

    Your other responders have this one well covered, and have offered good advice.  Flush the wound with Hydrogen Peroxcide, apply a triple antibiotic ointment, and cover the wound.  If no infection develops, it's not anything to be concerned about.

    'Hope it didn't scare the little fella too badly.  I'm a mother also, and know how the 'protective instinct' kicks in and makes your heart race.

    Just let him get back to playing, and he'll soon forget all about it.

  7. They are harmless, just wash the wound and use some peroxide, and antibiotic ointment.  I used to play with garter snakes when I was a kid and I never got bit.  They were very friendly!  Your son must have been abusing it?

  8. That's not a question, but I'll pretend it is. Garter snakes aren't poisonous. Clean and bandage the wound. Keep an eye on it for signs of infection. Or, instead of asking idiots on the internet, call a doctor!

  9. If you are in Africa, I assume you have already taken your son to the hospital. The African snakes known as garter snakes are venomous. If you live in North America, the snakes known as garter snakes are not entirely non-venomous but so close to it that you don't have to worry. By this time, I assume that you have already washed the bitten area. If you put an antiseptic on the bite, fine. If not, that's OK too. The very worst that could happen is a bit of swelling and redness. Boys do more damage than that just playing.

  10. just clean it like you would a cut or scratch he has leaned the hard way not to play with snakes and you should be thank full it is not a piousness snake

    keep and eye on it and bring him in to a doctor if its showing signs of infection... maternal instincts are the best but don't let panic blur them calm down a bit and trust your gut if your worried bring him in if your worried better safe than sorry, but its a cost you might not need to worry about

    call the doctor and describe the wounds and get their opinions if your really worried!

  11. Garters aren't poisonous

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