
My son got suspended at it right?

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because this kid hit him across the head with his library books and when my son fell to the ground he grabbed the kids leg, making the kid fall too... Is this right? They are in 1st grade. I am against fighting, but my son was only defending himself from that jerk!




  1. I hope the other kid got suspended. If he has no other issues at school and this seems like an isolated incident, where of course he was right in defending himself, then no I don't think they should've suspended your son. If he does have a history of trouble making then I would see why they would but probably still not agree with the results of the school.

  2. If they are in first grade, I wouldn't suspend either of them. Actually, I wouldn't suspend either of them no matter what grade they were.  I would make them hold hands all day for two days

  3. he was using self defense i consider that perfectly fine when i was a kid i started fights and didnt get suspended i feel its very wrong for the principal to do that i was in fifth grade your son is in first talk to that principal

  4. personally the kid doesnt really get the idea i think that in 1st grade that they have been suspended and its a bad thing...even in high school i just thought it was a break from h**l and you could sleep in and watch tv all day lol anyways....i think both boys should have gotton in trouble equally and be told what it was they did wrong and fairly punished for their behavior and at first grade what kid is really a "jerk" hes a normal kid all kids pick on each other at one point or another and most parents swear up and down their kid didnt do it or was in the right somehow...just look at the whole picture and take the age into account its not high school kids fighting to the point they would seriously have to defend themselves its first grade kids he should have gotton up and told the teacher and then sat down and explained why that kid got in so much trouble and appraised for doing the right my opinion of course

  5. First of all, did they even consider the potential head injury and the lawsuit that may follow from it?    Most schools, and even work places now, will suspend both just to keep from showing favoritism.

  6. Either way, he was still fighting and therefore has to pay the penalty. Many schools have a 'no tolerance' policy which means even if your child is defending himself he can still be punished because he hurt another kid. Explain to him that although you are happy that he stood up for himself, he needs to tell his teacher when something like this happens.

  7. From your description, he wasn't "defending himself," he was retaliating.  There's a difference.  

    However, suspending 1st graders is stupid and igornant and sounds like a typical knee-jerk, "zero tolerance" policy that absolves the school principal of having to make any kind of judgment call despite his outrageous salary for doing just that.

    It won't get Junior back in school any sooner, but it's time for a policy debate with the school board about how to handle such incidents involving such tiny nippers in the future.  Tell them "justice" is not a four-letter word.   (Curiously, neither is "s*x", by the way).

  8. is the school aware of the situation? did the other kid get suspended too.

    if the school thinks that your son started it, and the other child is the victim, then it is not right. If they suspended both kids, then it is iffy.

  9. Personally I think it's stupid to suspend first graders at all but especially over a little scuffle like that. I mean please, they're little boys, it happens! I hope at least the other kid got suspended too and if not then I would be royally mad and would say something. Try not to be so quick to place all the blame on the other kid though, just in case your son did start it. At that age most kids will give you the story that will get them in the least trouble so you never know... I like the guy above's idea of making them hold hands for two days lol.

  10. The only way that I would agree with it is if the other boy was suspended as well-that would show them that they were both wrong.

    If only your son got suspended I think it is unfair and it would be worthwhile to make an appointment with the principal to discuss why he was the one suspended.

  11. its not right thats bad

  12. it would only be fair if both kids got suspended.

    but suspending a kid that's in 1st grade is only a waste of time. the kid doesnt see it a a punishment he probably thiks of it as a vacation.

  13. If the other boy was suspended as well, I think it's a fair punishment.  But I hope it was an "in school" suspension.   First graders should not miss classes because of incidents like this.

  14. I am assuming that the other child also was suspended. If this is the case, then yes, it is fair. As another poster said, your son was not defending himself, he was retaliating. Also, it is quite unusual for a child to hit another child completely unprovoked. I feel this is not the whole story. What is the background? What did your son do/ say before the other child hit him? It does sound like it was a 2-way fight, and both children need to face the consequences.

    If the principal doesn't administer consequences for fighting, how will they stop bullying? You cannot stop bullying if fighting is allowed. He needs to have zero tollerance, otherwise the kids will get away with hitting each other, and kids will be bullied.

  15. How your son got suspended I have no clue with defending himself but I would take it up with the principle.

  16. Well, did the other boy get suspended as well? I think they're both at fault here. If the other boy didn't get punished, complain to the school principle and tell them your son's side of the story. If he got a suspension equal to your son's, I think that's fair.

  17. I bet your lil eheem *angel* is lying to you I think He got what He deserved Im sure he didnt just fall and just get hit for NO reason mom come on.....

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