
My son had his 6 month shots on the 19th?

by  |  earlier

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and he still has a knot in the muscle of his left leg where they gave him the shot. any ideas on how to get rid of it




  1. ask the ped!

  2. When my son got his 2 month shots, he had a bump on his leg. It was just swelling. He had it for about 2 weeks and then it went away completely. Just give him baby tylonel and be gentle with his legs.

  3. I would contact your doctor, that is something he should take a look at especially since it has been over a week. Don't leave it up to anyone on here to tell you what to do, this is your son's health and should not be taken lightly.  

  4. I agree, ask the pediatrician. Ive never experienced that in either of my kids. Sorry Im not much help, although if it doesnt seem to bother him, im sure its nothing to worry about. But it could be a side effect and the pedi should know about it.  

  5. Ask his pediatrician.

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