
My son has Migraine Headaches and he wants to start boxing would that be dangerous?

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My son has Migraine Headaches and he wants to start boxing would that be dangerous?




  1. Go to a doctor to get clearance.

  2. Consult a doctor..


  3. Migraine headaches can have numerous reasons. This is a question to ask a doctor, not the internet.

  4. Sometimes migraines can be confused with other illnesses so its best to confirm it is migraine your son is getting. I get migraines and they are triggered solely by boxing. I've given it up know but i boxed a long time while getting migraines and took triptons to ease the affects of the migraines. No one could tell me the exact trigger in me but the experts believed it was a mechanical issue in my neck.  Migraines are a chemical unbalance in the brain (Triptons work to netralise this) so migraine sufferers shouldnt be any more at risk than non migraine sufferers unless something else is wrong with them.

  5. you should take him to see a doctor and see what he says

  6. geeze dude let your kid live alil.

  7. yes check thst checked out could be serious

  8. it would be important to find out why he has migraines in the first place. Migraines can be a sign of something dangerous without just on their own. Boxing can cause head trauma and if he already has pre-existing head trauma then starting would be a bad idea. on the other hand even if he can't fight there is no reason he shouldn't learn b/c it is the best way to get in shape. you should take him to a hospital and find out what the head-aches are caused by and then make a decision based on information the doctor gives you

  9. might want to get his head ex ray before to be completl sure so to compare to if he does get hurt you can compare

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