
My son has a herniated belly button

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It is a serious looking 1/2-3/4 inch. The doctor said its herniated and will likely go in as his stomach muscles get stronger. He will be 5 months on the 19th. I have noticed that it better than it was but still has a long way to go.

Did anyone else have this and if so, did it end up being an innie? When?





  1. Well... if your doctor said it will get better, why are you asking on here?


  3. my son had a herniated belly button it took until about 9mos to stay where it is now -- my son has in innie but just by the narrowest of margins

  4. wow, i just wanted to say that in response to the first responder.  like you couldn't think of that one on your own.  jeez.  

  5. what do you mean by herniated? are you sure its not umbilical granuloma ? ...

  6. I've known kids that needed surgery to fix it, and I've known kids that it just turned into an innie.

  7. well, i think u should ask a doctor this question... i mean thats the onlt thing i can think of sirry:( hope yr baby turns out okay

  8. ask doctor

  9. My daughter is 4 months and still has hers, when she was first born it looked horrible.... but it's gotten a lot better, and it's healing up now.

    It can take up to a year for it to close so it's alright. As far as if she'll have an innie I dunno, I'm sure it'll be fine though, nothing to worry about.

  10. Hi, I'm sorry that this problem is causing you stress.

    My father has a herniated belly button, and it's no more than the length of a thin piece of paper out of his stomach.  However, I urge you to get this checked regularly, as problems can develop from this.

    Good luck, my friend!

  11. I had a very herniated belly button. Even worse than the size your son has. It eventually went away. My belly button is fine.  It actually looks completely normal now.

    Dont worry!

  12. My son had a beginning stage. As soon as I noticed I started raping a piece of cloth around his belly, may be 2-2.5 inches wide, just like belt. Some baby stores actually sell something like that special for belly. And my pediatrician recommended not letting him cry for too long, that might lead to a bigger problem and actually that might be one of the reasons why it's out. Good luck, and great health to your baby boy.

  13. When I was a young mother they actually sold something called a belly band. It was a slightly stretchy band worn over the outtie that was to help it become an innie or at least not develop into a larger herniation. I haven't seen them in years ...ask your Doctor about one. There may be some new medical reason not to use one ...but I don't know for sure.  

  14. I am an RN.  I have worked a lot of pediatric floors.  It is not uncommon for infants to have an umbilical hernia. These usually correct themselves as the baby grows. Usually in the first year are so. Bands and especially coins are no longer recommend.  The coin causes more problems by irritating the skin.  Your doctor will monitor the hernia during regular visits.  

    Do not worrying about being extra careful with it. The skin is thick and you do not need to use any more care with it than with your baby's cheeks.

    There is one warning.  I listed the quote from the drgreene site.  Note the risk is very slight.  Note that the symptoms of that complication (incarcerated hernia) are very obvious.

    "There is one caveat to this! Children with umbilical hernias are at a slight risk of having some abdominal contents get stuck inside the herniated sac, called an incarcerated Umbilical Hernia. This is a medical emergency, since the abdominal contents, potentially including the intestines, must be released from inside the hernia before they lose their blood supply. Generally the symptoms include a hard, firm hernia that may be painful or have a color-change."

    See the sources below.

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