
My son has been asleep since 3?

by  |  earlier

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I'm worried about him he doesn't have a temperature but earlier around 11am he did throw up and have some diarrhea. He was acting completely fine and around 3 he just passed out. I tried to wake him up around 5:30pm and he didn't want to get up. He hasn't pee'd since about 2. Should I just let him sleep? Or wake him up to have something to drink and eat? I have mixed feelings like I should let him sleep but he does need some food and pedialyte too.




  1. ok im a nurse and these simpons point to flu so u should wake him up to feed drink or call the hospital

  2. I wouldn't wake him if I were you. Babies need lots of sleep.

  3. How old is he? Make a light snack for him when he wakes up and give him some pedialyte (if he's a toddler, use gatorade if he's older) and maybe some crackers. Wake him up so he has a chance to go potty and eat something, and then let him sleep until morning.

  4. I would check on him make sure he feeling alright since he was sick earlier. But If he has not drank he wont pee and if he is not sick still or have temp i doubt he needs the pedialyte.I hope everything is all well with him..

  5. Let him sleep.  If he wakes up easily and doesn't want to get up then don't worry.  He's not going to get too dehydrated from one episode of vomiting and diarrhea.  If he is a tiny infant then you need to watch him closer.  If he is a toddler or older, just let him sleep and make sure you check on him.

  6. try to wake him for a drink and a snack. however if he is very lethargic (hard to wake up) i would be worried. if he is limp and not able to arouse i would take him to the ER. its good he has no fever. if he gets up and drinks and has a snack and uses the bathroom than he is probably ok and just needed to sleep it off. but your right about worrying about the peeing part, he needs to pee every 4 hours or so otherwise he is dehydrated. keep a close eye on him tonight and take him in if something doesnt seem right. im sure you know alot of this anyways but i want to say it just in case.

  7. It seems like a flu symptom. Try and wake him up and have him eat something like soup then let him drink his pedialyte. Let him go back to sleep but please do call the hospital to guide you on what to do. Or better yet, while he's asleep call your husband and have him drive you and your baby to the hospital just to be really sure.

  8. I think it should be fine, but if you are worried give him some pedialyte from a bottle.  I know both of my sons would drink from bottles while sleeping.  Just make sure to keep checking his temperature.  If you are not totally sure what to do, call your doctor.  The answeing service will pass on the info to him and he will call you at home.

  9. I would get a snack ready for him, wake him up to go to the bathroom and eat, and drink his pedialyte. Then let him go back to sleep until morning. If you don't he might get up in he middle of the night hungry.

  10. he could have a gastro-intestinol sickness. its goin around where i am. kepp him hydrated and comfy. if tomorrow he is still throwing up then try to control the nausea by putting a wet cold washcloth on his forhead and another on teh back of his neck. this can help. if he runs a fever tomorrow take him to a doctor. make sure he gets plenty of rest and he is comfy. make absolutly sure that he drinks a lot like gatorade so he dosent get dehydrated. hope he feels better!

  11. How old is he?  An infant normally sleeps alot - 14+ hours a day.  A toddler, not so normal.  A teenager, definitely normal.

    I would check his lips to see if they have a blue tinge to them which could mean a lack of oxygen.  If he remains lethargic, I would definitely schedule an appointment with the family peditrician.  Your son is probably just tired and will bounce back after his much needed nap.

  12. either he is really tired which i am all the time i sleep like 15 hours sometimes but then again im like 15 so if he keeps puking and all take him to the doctor and make sure he is hydrated!!!!!

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