
My son has been drooling and putting his fist in his mouth. Could he be teething? Hejust turned 3 months old

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My son has been drooling and putting his fist in his mouth. Could he be teething? Hejust turned 3 months old




  1. sounds like it!! my son started teething at about 4mths, but his first teeth didn't show until 6mths.

  2. I agree with Amanda.  My daughter found her fist at about 1.5 months and ever since she's been l*****g them and trying to shove her fist in her mouth  Its cute.  She makes all kinds of sounds too when she's eating them.  

  3. no, I dont think its teething I think your little one has founds its fists and likes to chew on them, all babies do this. As for the drool, Babies drool put a bib on him and take lots of pictures.

  4. Yes...teething can start as soon as babies are born.  My daughter had 2 bottom teeth at 10 weeks old already.

  5. Possibly, but it's more likely just his body getting ready for solids.  NOT TO SAY he is ready for them now!!!!!!!  Drooling is common at this age, in a few months this will help him digest his food when he starts on solids.

  6. Babies can start teething at a young age and no teeth appear for ages! Our little boy started by drooling and eating his fist at about 3 or so months. His first tooth appeared at 4.5 months.

  7. sounds like teething . my son had his 2 bottom one in by 3 months and the top in at 4 .

  8. My son started doing that when he was two months old and he never got a tooth tell he was about 8 months old so teething can last forever.. AHHHHH!!!

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