
My son has been here for 10years his lawyer said that after he departs its easier for him to come back?

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My son has been here for 10years his lawyer said that after he departs its easier for him to come back?




  1. What are you asking?  Departs?  Been here?  Is he an illegal?  You have to put more information there if you want answers.  

  2. I'm sorry,but this makes absolutely no sense to me.

  3. Your "question" makes no sense but if your son has a lawyer, why not listen to what he says, is that not what the lawyer gets paid for, knowing and advising the client of what is in their best interest?

    Maybe you do not believe him for a reason, or it could be that you are afraid if loosing your son. If you do not trust the lawyer, you can get a second or third opinion. You could keep asking until you find one that says what you want to hear, but then that one could also be wrong.

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