
My son has been in trouble with the law and every time somthing happens the cops come here what can i do

by  |  earlier

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they always assume he did it even if he did not do it my son payed for the crime and now they want to blame him for every thing




  1. Allow him to learn if you commit a crime it will follow you in life for a long time.

  2. Unless the police have evidence that your son committed a crime they legally can't charge him with anything. All you can do is encourage your son to stay out of trouble and the rest is up to him.

    Unfortunately, when someone has been in trouble with the law several times they'll get blamed for things they didn't even do. It's just like the boy who cried wolf - eventually people stopped believing him.

  3. Move and don't give your son the new address.

  4. I've gotten in some trouble in the past so i understand where your comming from hwoever quit whining, if you don't do bad stuff you won't get accused of bad stuff, a reputation follows you. Stay out of truobl eand he won't have anything to worry about.

  5. Get a good lawyer, fight them every way you can. Remember our founding fathers never worried about a foriegn invader...they worried about government being to oppressive...well here we are, living with these 'heros" they call themselves

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