
My son has been son similac with iron ,soy ,aluminum and sensitive r.s & he still spit up what can i do?

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hes 1 month old 2day

please help hes my 1st child




  1. I totally understand what your dealing with hun, my youngest had reflux, and even on breastmilk he was puking all the time.  The doctor prescribed two medicines (axid and prevacid) which were taken a total of seven times a day.  Also, i had him sleep inclined, with his head raised above his feet by about three inches.  That really helped.  Anything you can do to keep his body raised is going to help him stop throwing up.  (gravity is your friend here)  Also, make sure you only feed him an ounce or two, and then let him burp. The more air you get out, the less is in his belly to make it upset. Also, i would see if maybe a different brand totally would help.  Give each formula a good try though, it took us about four different kinds to find success when my son weaned himself when i went back to work.

    So.... to recap:

    Step 1: Medicine.... (ask your doc about the two i mentioned)

    Step 2: Sleep and play raised... (place rolled blankets under his mattress)

    Step 3: Lots of burping... lots and lots of burping

    Step 4: Give it time (hopefully he will grow out of it, my son finally did around 8 months old)

  2. How often and how much does he sit up?  It is actually normal for babies to spit up.  As long as he is gaining weight and is healthy, I wouldn;t worry too much.  Pediatricians call these babies 'happy spitters'  Their little sphyncters at the to of his tummy are still developing, and often the forumla comes up.  As he gets older, these muscles will become stronger nd he will spit up less

    If he is not gaining weight, r seems to be in pain, your pediatrician will run tests to see if something more serious is wrong.  In the meantime, try smaller feedings at a time, and make sure he is having a couple good burps during his feeding

    If you feel your pediatrician is not listening to you or taking you seriously, I highly recommend finding someone else who will listen to what you have to say!

    Best of luck to you!

  3. all babies spit up, theres nothing you can do to stop him from spitting up, its the amount of spit up that you should be concerned about, if its just a little bit after feedings...then dont worry about it, but if he is filling blankets and burp rags full of it and is arching his back and is very uncomfortable looking when he does it, get him in to see his doc, could be acid reflexes....which if fairly commen in babies. both of my sons had and have it, my 8 week old has it right now spits up crazily but they put him on some medicine and it has calmed down quite a bit, you need to stop switching his formula so much though as its not good for him at all.  

  4. Spitting up is totally ok. What matters is if he is holdong down more than is coming up. He is so little that I think the part that causes acid reflux probably hasn't fully developed and he will probably grow out of it. I worry about putting him on medicine for that.

    My baby threw up like an exorcist and I never put him on anything. But he did wind up being allergic to milk, so Soy was what we used. Although the "spitting up" didn't go away completely, he was a much happier baby. Just try not to overfeed him. Give him a little at a time, and be sure and sit him up straighter while you are feeding him and keep him upright a while before laying him down so that it has time to get down further.

  5. you should not have switched so many times...its hard on his lil tummy, have you tried breastfeeding? it may also be acid reflux, talk to your doc and see what he recommends :)

  6. My daughter did this same thing, she had GERD...and acid reflux disease. My husband and I didn't know what was wrong with her either until we took her to Texas Children's ER one night...they admitted her and did a lot of test. When they found out that it was a reflux disease they started her on 3 different medicines, every time she would eat she would get one of the meds. They also changed her formula to AR. It totally changed her, she was a different child. They also had to place her on a apnea heart monitor, that she wore while sleeping because her reflux was so bad that it would come up her esophagus and stay there, the acid would cause her to hold her breathe and her heart rate would decrease to extreme limits. It is not something to mess around with, from experience I would get her seen as soon as possible, they told us at times they even have to preform surgery to correct the problem (if it is really extreme) my little kirsten is now 18 mths old and was just now taken off the apnea monitor and meds, she was 4 months old when she was diagnosed... good luck..from one mommy to another.

  7. Ask your doctor if he can check your baby for reflux and prescribe a medication designed to help keep the spit up down. That is a LOT of formula changes in a short period of time. If you aren't already, try to gradually switch formula so it is more gentle on his system instead of a cold turkey switch and give it up to one week to get the old stuff out of his system.

  8. take him to the dr. and they will give you a new milk to try. and if your on wic. they will give you a prescription to take to the wic office so you can trade all your cans. LOL.

    my daughter had the same problem, only she was constipated with the millk they introduced to her at the hospital. so they put her on soy  milk.


    hope i helped yah out. :)

  9. some babies just spit up a lot. I have 3 kids and am the oldest of 5. I'm going to recommend something that i had to do with my child that had the same problem, though some doctors do not agree with it. Put one scoop of rice cereal with the formula scoop into his bottle each time he has a bottle. To make things really easy, use an empty formula container to put the baby rice cereal into and put it right next to the formula.

    What usually happens when kids have this problem is that their stomachs can't hold that much liquid so they just spit up all the time, putting rice into it helps because there is something solid in it instead of just a liquid.

  10. Ask your doctor about goat's milk.  Most babies that cannot tolerate cow's milk or formula do very well on it.  My girlfriend raises goats and most of her customers are mothers whose babies can't drink anything else. Some grocery stores sell it.  And many health food stores or co-ops can tell you where to obtain it.

  11. All babies spit up sometimes. Since I've begun to supplement with formula we've only used one kind. When my son eats too much or doesn't burp, the likelihood of spitting up is much higher. When he burps well and doesn't gorge himself he doesn't spit up (unless someone plays a little too bouncily too close to dinner time). He's only one month old and you've tried so many formulas. Are you even giving them a chance? It seems like you're changing pretty quickly. I think I'd call the doctor if I were you and make sure his/her instructions are clear. Something may have gotten lost in translation.

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