
My son has had an upper urinary tract infection and we were in and out of A&E 3 times until in the end?

by  |  earlier

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thursday just gone we took him to out of hours emergancy dr and he sent him straight to childrens ward. symptoms of kidney infection. he was on 3 different types of abntibiotic which didn't work and was told in the hospital he had Ecoli in his sample. he was give IV anitbiotics over night and was sent home the next day with nitrofurantoin suspension. he has been on it since and so far has no symptoms of it coming back, im hoping it will be the right antibiotic this time. The thing is the drs are sending him for a scan in 6 weeks to check the structure of his kidney and that area, why is this? is it to check for damage or something else? also he is getting referred by my gp to a pediatrician. why is this also? is it because he is a 6 year old boy and it's uncommon for this to happen? he suffered a week before finally feeling better, he is now suffering lots of mouth ulcers. must be from the antibiotics?

i was just wondering what dr's and pediatrician might be looking for?




  1. Ask the doctor!!!  That's what he's there for as well as trying to heal people!  Write your questions down & take them with you.  He's 6 yrs.old - he needs a pediatrician.  Be sure you call the doctors about the mouth ulcers.  They are painful & he can help him with that.

    A scan is neede to check for damage or congenital abnormalities.  Good luck - hope he's well, soon.

  2. direct all of your questions to the urologist in hcarge of his care.  contact the doctor if he's having adverse effects to his meds.

  3. It's rather standard practice to do imaging studies on a boy after his first urinary tract infection (UTI). The reason for this is that there is a significant chance that he may have an abnormality of the kidney or of the ureter or of the bladder. If left unchecked this can lead to permanent kidney damage and kidney failure.

    Opinion is divided whether girls should have the same work-up. Some authorities say yes, others wait until the second UTI. Because girls have a short urethra, the channel from the bladder to the vestibule of the v****a, bacteria have an easier access to the bladder.

    You might check with your doctor or to the pediatrician he/she is referring you to whether or not to keep your boy on low dose antibiotics after the initial treatment period. This, too, is common practice. The pediatrician will probably want to do a culture to make sure that the infection has cleared. Since imaging often requires catheterization, in our center the culture is usually obtained by the radiology technicians and the results sent to the ordering physician.

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