
My son has just started a new preschool that is very structured and is finding it difficult....?

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He is only just three and is at this preschool a couple of days a week, but it is very different to his former daycare centre. This school has a great program and is designed for children from the age of three, but is very structured and it does not allow the children to have a sleep during the day. I have always believed that children should be allowed to enjoy their childhood while the can, and i am afraid it might be too much for him at this young age. Any advice?




  1. You ask a good question, but I would like to digress and question the structure of this new preschool. A child's 'job' is to play - which is how children learn.  Structured preschool is great, as long as the structure is appropriate (structured schedule/routine) and allows child creativity at the same time (everyone doesn't have to build a castle with red blocks/ they are not sitting and doing 'paperwork').  

    Now on to nap time. My four year old son's preschool is all day long and they learn through play, but he is exhausted after lunch. Typically, the four year old's don't have a nap built into their schedule, but he has the opportunity to rest in the three year old room everyday.  I was extremely pleased when the director addressed me on his second day there with this idea.  How is your son's teacher addressing this? My feeling is that you should be able to work with the teacher/director on this situation and if you cannot, maybe look for something else for you son. His body and brain are still growing, which will tire him out. It is EXTREMELY reasonable that your son still naps.

  2. Is this a half day program or whole day program?  We have half day preschool for 3 year olds and we do not have nap time.  Our 3 year old program is based on the 6 s's - self reliance, separation, sharing, sitting still, social skills, and self control - the 3's program is not as structured as  the 4's program which is more kindergarten readiness.  I think preschool is very important for every child - 3, 4 and 5 years old and then on to kindergarten well prepared by their preschool teachers.  Good luck with your decision.  you may need to look elsewhere to find the best program for YOUR child.

  3. Why don't you look for an afternoon pre-school which is for a few hours every afternoon? Your child can sleep in till 10 or 11 then you can spend time with him

    It's really important for kids to spend time with their parents

  4. I  agree with you that children this age need lots of unstructured time for free play and often need a rest period or nap.  Your son has the rest of his life to be tied to a structured schedule.  Trust your instincts and either find a new preschool or homeschool him.  He could get social interaction through play groups, at park days or at story times at the library.

    Here are some activities you can do with him at home:

  5. You might want to check your local laws.  Many children do not need sleep during the day, but the time is scheduled in for it in many laws.

    If a child does not need sleep at this time, many schools allow children to do something else quietly at their cot (like looking at a book or quietly drawing).  They usually, from experience, end up falling asleep.


  6. If your instinct tells you it's not the right place for your son then take him out. I've never heard of full day programs without at least a short rest period. If your son still needs a nap find a program that includes one. Most day care programs do and some offer educational opportunities equal to the finest preschool.

  7. What do you mean by very structured. A classroom for three year  olds should have a very structured routine. However it should allow many developmentally appropriate activities for the child to choose from within that routine.

    Three year olds often still need to nap. If your child is tired the school should provide an option for rest when it is needed.

  8. let your child enjoy his life without any responsibility with regards to his schooling..your child is just three and needs your company most of the would have been unfair for the child to go to school that very early age because he/she must still enjoy his being as a child..and above all,the child may have been encountering social problems at the latter part of his/her days..^_^

  9. I don't know where you live, but in Ohio we have a law that demands children under 4 to have a specific amount of "quiet" time or nap time. If you think the structure of this school is going to stress your son out, I suggest you take him out. Although social skills are a great reason to have your child in a pre school this one may be a little too much for him at this point!

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