
My son has lost over 100 pounds and has a lot of loose skin hanging from his body. Can he donate his skin?

by  |  earlier

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He is 20 yrs old . And has a baby on the way he wants to look good and be in good shape but he cant because of the skin. All he wants to do is help his self while helping others who has been burnt , so that way they can feel better about theirselves. When he was 11 yrs old he was burnton his face and arm so he knows how it feels the looks the whispers. He just wants to help.




  1. I think that doctors could do that but it could be a little risky to remove it.

  2. its great that he wants to help. but i dont think they take skin like that? do they?

  3. First off, congratulations to your son for working so hard and losing 100 pounds!!!

    I also think he is very sweet to want to donate his skin to burn patients, but doubt that it can happen.

    His best bet is to ask his doctor, if she/he is does not know... tell him to call the local burn unit at the hospital and ask.

  4. That is great that he wants to do that! :]]

    Anyways;; I think that they can do that. They have to find someone to give it to and set up a date bc I am pretty sure they can't preserve it very long.

    He needs to talk to his doctor...and then he/she can recommend him to a specialized doctor for that.

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