
My son has really bad muscle aches?

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Last night it was accompanied with a fever, this morning it's just the aches. It hurts him so bad he can't lift a spoon to feed himself. I gave him the max amount of tylenol and advil an 8 year old is allowed to have. He's had this before but it's never been this bad or lasted this long. We have a doctors appointment tomorrow for a separate issue. I can't get in any sooner and was wondering if it's ok to wait or if I should take him to the emergency room. Also if you have any idea what his problem is so I could get some information on it would be great. Thanks




  1. Assuming he has no life threatening condition, you will need to discuss with the doctor the possibility of Lymes disease, JRA, or if he has had strep throat recently, the possibility of a strep infection. Many types of ailments mimic each other- so, unless you feel it is life threatening, in which case go to the closest ED, make a list of his symptoms and discuss thoroughly with your peds.  Probably you will be taking your child for blood work and possibly the dentist.  Be very careful of Tylenol toxicity, you can damage his liver.

  2. If my son had already taken tylenol and advil and still was so sore he couldn't lift a spoon, I'd definitely be going to the emergency room if I couldn't get into the doctor's.  Did you actually try to get the doctor's appointment? I don't know what kind of office wouldn't see a kid who literally couldn't move on a same-day basis.  If you really can't get in in that kind of situation, I'd seriously consider switching doctors.  But yes, take him to the ER if you really can't see the doctor.

  3. Could be the the doctors office because they might not want him to come in at the time of the appointment if others are in the waiting room

  4. Sounds like it might be the flu, if he has a fever with it.  If it was just arms and legs aching, I would say growing pains.  My daughter used to have those so bad.  

    Call the ER and give them his symptoms, and see if the recommend that he be seen.

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