
My son has severe ADHD and I need imput from others whose kids are on Adderall?

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My son is on Adderall and is not tolerating it well. They are thinking of putting him on Strattera. I have heard that that works more for kids with ADD than those with ADHD.




  1. Try Ritalin next.....I  have heard from many that Strattera doesn't work well on severe cases.

    There's also Concerta and Focalin.

    I'd try Strattera as a last resort after you have tried these other ones.

  2. I feel your pain!

    I have an 11 year old boy who has severe ADHD and we have had to trial many if not all medications from dexamphetamine to concerta to strattera.

    My advice is to not count anything out. You not only need to but should want to find just the right medication or combination of meds that best suits your child. After all, every child is different so how strange would it be if every medication in every dosage worked exactly the same for everyone?

    I am happy to tell you we found that a combination of Concerta with Strattera used to enhance it's effects works perfectly for us.

    I remember well how nerve wracking the trialing period was for us but hang on it'll be worth it to see your child thrive once you've gotten it right.

  3. I am ADHD and I take Adderall. I really like it. I took ritalin from 2nd grade till I got out of high school. I have found that I have less side affects on adderall and it works just as well.

  4. Dr. Daniel Amen is a medical expert in ADD and ADHD. He has some books out as well as videos. I have two adult children with ADD and his books helped us tremendously. He talks about medications that are the best and even dosing I believe. He also has lots of advice on how to help your kids deal with ADDor ADHD. You can find his website or find his books in a bookstore or library. Good Luck it does get better!

  5. Strattera does not work. Try Ritalin. All of the medicines that work come with loss of appetite.

  6. I have ADHD and I take ritalin and zoloft.

  7. Strattera does not work if he has it severe. Try Ritalin or Concerda ( don't know how to spell it ). Adderall works well besides the loss of appetite but that is with ALL of the ADD medicines

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