
My son has to dress as a girl for a boy scout skit. Since I plan on borrowing one of his sisters dresses?

by  |  earlier

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she feels she should be allowed to help with the selection and watch him model them

What would you do?

This was not the part he wanted to play in this Charlie Brown skit but several of the boys are in his situation.




  1. she probably just wants to make fun of him, it is perfectly normal for a sibling to not want to miss a chance as golden as this to poke fun... I probably wouldnt let her since he will be embarrassed enough

  2. I don't think he should be put through the embarrasment of 'modeling' the dresses, especially in front of his sister. He should just try them on by himself and decide the dress on his own.

  3. If he's going to wear one of his sister's dresses, have you and him pick out the dress. If his sister wants to see him in a dress, let her just see him in the one he's using, away from her closet. That way, the sister is happy, and your son is saved from some embarrassment. By the way, how old is your son?

  4. try to find a really outrageous dress that neither your daughter nor any other little girl would wear. that way your son won't be ridiculed.

  5. I think if his sister is providing the clothes she should decide what he wears including the dress, shoes, makeup, and how to style his hair but to be fair she can not see him modeling the dresses but if she feels like it she can come see the skit to see her brother dressed up

  6. Its for a play tell her yes she cant see him in a few. I mean it is her clothes. Tell her she isn't to make fun of him its for boy scouts not like he is enjoying this.

  7. she probably just wants to make fun of him for it. It's normal. Just give him a normal dress that she doesn't wear often.

  8. Let her help and let her pick what type of bra, panties, heels, and makeup he has to wear

  9. i think she should be allowed

  10. If it seems to you (as it does to those of us reading the question) that his sister is just relishing the chance to make fun of him, then NO, I would not allow her to be part of the selection process--her dress or not!  

    Another option, to take sis out of the equation, would be to get all the boys who have to dress like girls together and go to a thrift shop together and make it a fun thing, where they're all finding the outrageous, hideous, ugly, whatever offerings of the Goodwill or whatever--something to laugh at and make a good from a "bad."

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