
My son has weird behavior?

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My son is not very social. He dosent like to do normal things. He spends alot of time on the computer but not doing normal things. He just listens to the same songs on you tube and stares at He also carries around this peice of paper and yesterday I found it and it was just a list of weird things relating to sports, food, summer and cities that hes traveled to and things he wants to do in his life




  1. These things seem normal to me.

  2. Google aspergers syndrome. :)

  3. I don't see anything alarming about his behavior. Some people are less social than others. The paper could have something to do with his goals in life, but not necessarily written in a way that a person could understand just by looking at the paper. A lot of people spend hours on the computer each day. I wouldn't be too concerned. If you feel comfortable, you can ask him if he is doing alright, but if he says yes you will have to trust his answer.

  4. Well,some of this depends on what age your son is.Some kids are anti social.Maybe there's a certain song on youtube that he particualy likes and he likes listening to it a lot.Now the part about him staring at is quite unusual.Is he on any medication?Maybe there is something on that he likes or is he really watching you sure that he is really looking at is about sports and stuff.Monitor him.Now about the piece of paper,maybe he's planning on what he wants to do for the summer.Maybe he made a list of his favorite foods that he likes.It's not unusual for a kid to make a list of things that he likes.He's planning out the rest of his life or at least he's trying.That's not a total bad thing but it's not the best thing either depending on how old he is.How long has he been doing this?Has the doctor put him on any medication recently that could be causing this.I don't think that he is crazy or anything but you may need to have that checked at the doctor next time and soon.It depends on his age.His age matters.Pray to GOD about it.GOD is the only one who can handle this.But you can also try talking to a counselor for him if you think that it would help.If you think that taking him to a counselor will confuse him then think again about taking him to a counselor.Do what you think is best for him,you're his mom after all.I hope that I helped.GOD BLESS you!

  5. What normal? Accept him for who he is, espcially if hes your son. Teenagers or children even tend to do things adults don't really get, people grow up differently, think differently. Hes not weird. Maybe he is not social as he is extremely shy, maybe he looks at youtube alot cuase theres nothing else to do in the house. Whetver the reason hes not a freak, please dont act like he is as trust me it will only push him away.

  6. I don't see any abnormal behavior in your son, because you don't give specifics about the "not normal things" he's doing, reading or writing.  What's abnormal about writing down things you enjoy (sports, food, traveling) or want to do in your life?  On the contrary, I think your son sounds organized and motivated to make the most out of his life.  Maybe just check his computer's search history to make sure he's not into any violent or harmful websites.  Other than that, if he is a teenager (which i'm assuming), he sounds very normal!

  7. if you find different on the way he talks too then probably that's the time you should make move.

  8. you do not say how old the kid is.  being on the computer a lot is pretty normal for kids nowdays.  listening to the same songs over and over is very typical for kids and teens.  ask him about his hopes and dreams and talk to him about what's on the paper.  maybe your son's normal is just a little different than regular normal.  but he's an individual.  these behaviors are in the normal range.  the question would be do his teachers feel he has a diagnosable problem?  but be sure to accept him  

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