
My son hasn't started dating?

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He is about to graduate from University and he isn't very social. He spends all day on the computer. He is handsome & smart. Should I be worried or intervene in some way?




  1. He's an adult.  You can worry all you like.  No more intervening, Mom.  It's his life, now.

  2. if he's happy then I'd leave him alone

  3. I will tell you this.  There is a completely huge online community of people that consider members friends even though they have never spoken to them in person and maybe not even on the phone.  A lot of people communicate like this, and your son may very well be doing this.  Some people aren't comfortable with face to face interaction with the opposite s*x.  A lot of young men actually.  I would actually be more concerned if he were overly active and with a different girl each week.  I don't think you should intervene.  Maybe introduce him to a couple of nice girls (very subtly) and see his reaction.  If he pursues it then you know there's not a problem.  If he seems interested but doesn't do anything, he may just be shy around girls.  Or maybe he's trying to develop himself first and concentrate on a relationship later.  This is actually a good plan, for him to develop himself, get a good job and be settled before trying to 'settle down'.  I wouldn't be very worried.  Now if he's still like this awhile from now, an intervention would probably be a good idea.  You might talk to him about it and ask him why he doesn't go out more.  Maybe he'll inform you that he has a group of friends that you aren't aware of or confide in you that he's shy.  Try to talk to him, but don't come out as overbearing, it will make him feel ashamed of it.

  4. maybe he is g*y

  5. dont push him to do somthing he didnt ask for .. so just leave him with his computer .. maybe one day he invent somthing that makes him famous ! :P

  6. As a parent, it's understandable to be concerned, but intervening would probably not do any good. Instead, you should encourage him to become more social and meet some more people. This way, he knows he has your support, but not you pressure. I would also suggest helping him with his computer "addiction" as it sounds. This way it forces him to do other stuff like socializing. Or he could try online sites to find someone, if he would feel more comfortable that way. But again, remember to support him not pressure him! Hope I helped! :))

  7. My fiances brother is 24 and has never had a girl friend, he is happy being on his own, leave him alone and live with it, if he wants to date he will.

  8. No, he probably just hasn't found the special girl that was made just for him yet. Be patient, he shouldn't meet random people and date just to date, it needs to be love that he feels when he sees her.

  9. Your son hasn't TOLD you that he is dating!

  10. I'd just let him be. Maybe have some friends over the house and introduce him to the "social world", but really the timing's only right to him.

  11. Maybe he is dating but knows he hasn't foundthe right girl yet, or isn't ready for a serious relationship... 'cause he doesn't want you to meet like tons of girls andthen be disappointed if you like them.

  12. he is probably just not good at conversing with other girls. I was like that til i was about 17. Then one of my freinds introduced me to a girl that was pretty shy herself and we just hit it off. GET ONE OF HIS FREINDS TO HOOK HIM UP WITH A GIRL.

  13. His time will come. I did not really date much until I was in my 30's

  14. Have you spoken to him about this?  I know it's a bit embarrassing talking to mum about this stuff but if you are truelly concerned communication is always good.  Computers are never good for anyone's social life, look at all of us sitting here for hours answering questions lol !!!!  Maybe he's just shy.

  15. If he's about to graduate that means he is an adult and certainly free to make his own choices. I understand your concern, but a grown man ( even if he is a young one ) isn't going to start dating simply because his mother told him to. Time to take a step back and allow him to do what he feels is best.

  16. maybe he is and just isnt telling you!

    he'll meet a sweet girl some day..just give it time.

    and dont bring up girls either when talking to him.

    like my brothers im sure he spends a lot of time i mean a lot of time studying and the last thing on his mind is a girl.

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