
My son hit is head!?

by  |  earlier

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my 23 month old son triped and it his head right in the edge of the cement curb. he has a squishy bump right between his eyes it bleed a little. he dont seem to be confused or anything and his puples look okay. should i take him to the doc or am i just freaking out.




  1. take to his doctor or the hospital just to check on him

    u never know whats gonna happen next :O

  2. Freaking out will just cause the child more stress.

    I would call the doctor's office and ask for advice and get off the internet.

  3. I would watch it carefully and try (I know it's easier said then done) to put ice on it, to reduce swelling. Take him to the doctor, it probably isn't serious since he isn't freaking out, stay calm, if you stay calm he probably will.

  4. Watch him for an hour, don't let him sleep right yet, and watch for sickness or lethargy(extreme tiredness). If his balance or color are strange, take him in. But the general rule is that a bump out will be alright, it's when it indents that indicates breaks or a dangerous situation. He might be cranky for a little bit, but if he's screaming more than usual, take him in.

    Trust me, I know how ya feel, my brat ran headlong as fast as her legs could carry her into the doorframe that creates a Y in my apartment, one side taking u to the dining room, the other down a hall, about 3 hours ago. Big old bruise and bump on her forehead, then she went and sat on my bed under covers for about 10 min, but then she was jumping into a pile of pillows and laughing and screaming, so she was okay. Then about an hour ago she backed up too fast, fell on her butt and conked the back of her head too. But she was eating some cheerios and riding her car after that, so she's fine. They're clumsy little buggers, aren't they? Good luck!

  5. just keep a close eye on him. babies get bumps and bruises...if he seems to be alert, not crying and not sleepy, hes probably just got a little goose bump. u could ice it for less brusing and swelling,.

  6. well, dont freak out. it just adds more chaos to the situation. yeah. take him to a doctor. asap!!!!!!!

  7. Is he communicating with you normally and not groggy? Is he playing as usual? If so he will be fine. Just keep and eye on him and if anything changes go to the hospital. If he naps wake him every half an hour to make sure he is still lucid. Kids get bruises and bumps, its part of life. Been there done that. If you are really concerned then go see a doc but the ER will cost you a small fortune because they are money grubbing louts.

  8. don't freak out.  that will scare him, but i would take him to the dr.

  9. I hope you are at the hospital right now

  10. I would take him to the doctor, it doesn't hurt to be on the safe side, if the doctor can't get him in go to the ER

  11. Take him to A&E for a check-up. Ring NHS Direct for advice about the signs of concussion; if he goes limp and/ or starts to vomit get him there fast. Be aware that concussion can take a few days to manifest itself.

  12. take him to the ER as soon as possible...

    being that little ad hitting his headit could beeally dangerous...

    he may have a dent...

    just take him and thayll probly give him a simple ct
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