
My son in first grade?

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My son threw rocks one time due to having one thrown at him, he got hurt so did the other kid but him much more. both kid's lost a field trip, 3 weeks ago

He got pushed by the same kid and he pushed him back and he got written up one recess loss few weeks ago

Friday he threw rocks but NOT at anybody and he got written up, and supposibly he say's the next time he will get suspended

Is this a good thing to get suspended over in FIRST GRADE???

He didn't hurt nobody this time..the only time he hurt someone was throwing the rock after being hit.

I'm not saying it was right, im just asking what you would do?

I took 3 toys away from him so far for friday, he lost fun stuff for the other 2 things.

the school yes is ALMOST over and this is ridicilious..its this ONE KID that keeps him in trouble :(




  1. Well I think it sounds more like the two kids were fighting with each other- I don't think the other kid was getting your son in trouble or vice versa. I think both boys were getting themselves in trouble by misbehaving at school, it doesn't really matter who started it. I wouldn't worry about that other kid, I would focus on getting through to your son that he can't be physical or throw rocks at school. Tell him to tell the teacher if another kid is doing something wrong instead of fight back. You even said that on Friday your son throwing rocks didn't even have anything to do with that other boy so how could that be that kid's fault, you know? I do think that is a ridiculous reason to get suspended, especially in first grade!! I don't know what else you could do besides take away toys & priveledges and keep reminding him what he can't do at school. Maybe you could reward him for his good days- go out for ice cream or something. And then just keep your fingers crossed- school is almost out for the summer and he's probably just getting bored & antsy. Good luck! =]

  2. The first thing you have to do is get over the idea that other people control your son's behavior.

    Other kids have rocks thrown at them and don't respond by throwing rocks back.

    Lots of people get shoved and don't respond by shoving back.

    Then you have to teach this concept to your child.

    As long as you blame the other child for your son's behavior, nothing will change.

  3. The school has an obligation to keep the other children safe. I would hate to think my daughter is in danger at school because they let this behavior continue. I think they are at the very last resort to get your little one to obey the rules. Don't get me wrong, I am not downing your son. My son was just like him. With love and guidance and dare I say spankings, he will turn out just fine. God bless

  4. Nobody can get your son in trouble. if he misbehaves its on him. Please don't be the parent who says her kid is perfect.

    There are no perfect kids.

    If your son was in trouble for throwing rocks before he knew he would be in trouble this time.

  5. First, at age 6 or 7 your son is old enough to know not throw things and not to hit.  If the other kid's a bad influence, tell him to stay away from him.  Since his lack of self control seems to happen most at recess, you can address the head lunch attendant and principal.  However, I believe responsibility still lies heavily on your son (which means you too), despite the other kid's actions.  

    Also you can request that he be kept indoors during recess for a few days.  After a little detention time, he should knock it off.  Had parents do this when I used to teach full day kindergarten.  Normally, I'd just let them eat lunch in class with me, then clean the chalk boards.  Other teachers sent the kids to eat in cafe and sit in the office til lunch was over.  Either way, very boring.  Never had any of my students come back twice.

  6. Sounds to me like maybe your son is being provoked but then left with the blame for everything. This other child sounds like he may be a smart bully.

    Your son is responding the only way he knows how! Have you heard the saying negative attention is better than no attention!

    Talk to your son make it clear hurting people is not on! But I do believe defending oneself is important.

    Good Luck

  7. I think it is time for a parent -teacher conference.

  8. A definite parent-teacher conference!  

    I am 22 now, but I remember when I was in 4th grade and my sister got in trouble for defending herself.  My mama went into that school and became 'best-friends' with the principal.

    She wasn't mad at my sister, because you should always tell your child to stand up for themselves.  That telling the teacher c**p never gets anything done. Teachers just punish the other kid, and then at recess, it all happens again.

    My mama also went to the other girls house and had a heart to heart talk with that girls parents, too. She let it be known that no one messed with her babies or she would resolve it herself.

  9. you have a meeting with the teacher and school principal about your son and the other kid.  don't make excuses for your son's behavior - he's going to have to learn how to control himself and will always have people in his life who will taunt him and egg him on to bad behavior.  talk also with him, not about who started it but about the fact that what he's doing is wrong and could hurt someone.
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