
My son-in-law's business is having financial problems?

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My son in law and his partner are having financial problems. They are paying there bills and there employees but are not paying thereselves. This is causing my son in law and daugther to not be able to pay their bills.The partner is a rich man and can afford to be without a pay check. But my son in law and daughter have many bills and two small children. My daughters payroll is not enought to pay all the bills. What can they do? I feel that my son in law and partner should get a loan for the business and pay so that they can receive a payroll check. What do you think?




  1. Whatever you do, I hope you don't loan them a red cent.  Stay out of it.  It's there problem, not yours.

    I know you don't want to see your grandkids and daughter do without, but you also don't want to jump onto their sinking ship.  If they have to file bankruptcy, let them.

    Why isn't one of them getting a second job?  I've had three jobs to make ends meet when I had to.

    I just beg you not to try and bail them out.  You might as well burn your money.

    I hate to sound so harsh, but I've seen this scenario too many times.  It usually ends with you loaning money you don't have, you and them going under, and them being angry with you.  So just stay out of it.

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