
My son-in-law constantly complains about last maybe 2 years..seems he needs attention?

by  |  earlier

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It is an absolute obsession with him, complaining about eveyone he works with and their job talents or ways and states that the bosses love him. and compliment him on his jobs and ways....his jobs last maybe 2 years, although he is never unemployed long. it worries us that this could be the last time hired as his reputation could proceed him.....he works in service for local dealerships..should I suggest anything to him?




  1. In all honesty, no offense intended here. He may need counseling. I too have had alot of jobs that I complain about every co worker, and the boss's have made the same type of compliments to me about my work. I finally went to therapy and found that I was fighting depression and was really unhappy with myself. I am over it now, and have had a good job now for quite some time and I have no plans in the future of leaving this job. It may help if he goes to a counselor and opens up, only a suggestion.

  2. I think we all know people like that! Always complaining about everything. I think it is because they are unhappy with their life, and they take it out on work. A diversion.

  3. No, you shouldnt mention anything to him. Your his Mother IN LAW. your nothign but a nosey *** pile of dog c**p to him. Stay out of his business.  How is his life and the way he lives it any of your business anyway? Not only do you even keep tabs on him, but you also write this lame retarded paragraph of BS on yahoo answers.  If you was my mother in law i would put you in your place. Where you belong.

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