
My son is 10 yrs old & he is extra ordinary child everything is in his mind but he can not write properly

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as a working mother I am not able to give him much time tell me how can I solve his writing problem, after knowing everything due to writing problem he can not solve his exam papers .




  1. As your child has quality of doing extra-things which normally 10 year children don't do, you can help him by making him write; you dictate spellings, words, sentences and ask him to write this will increase his writting habit and also help him to write fast. In starting both of you may face problem but in future it will help him out.

    (You are a working women, but in a day you can atleast take out 15-20 mins. for your child to help him out of this problem.)

    Hope this will work for your child.  

  2. sounds like he's going to be a doctor someday !

  3. well i think thats ur fault MUM .. ur the one whos suppose to be there fr him to teach him how to write .. i mean no 10 yearold is like that ... phhhh all i can say is keep him to read books and do him a spelling tingy everyday

  4. My son is 18 and cannot write properly. When he writes his work gets returned because the teacher cannot read it. He are three ways we overcame that. 1) have him type every thing. My son uses mirosoft word program. It has a spell check and grammer check.

    2) get a alpha-smart for school. It is less that a notebook coumperter and has a flas drive that can be used with mirosoft. That what he could do assingments at school, or take notes. Down load to mirosoft word and make any corrections needed.3) Prof read every thing he writes and make corrections, explain why you made the corrections.

    Hope this helps.

  5. He could be dyslexic - you'd have to get him properly assessed to find out what the cause of this is though.

  6. Have you spoken to his teachers and/or a social worker at his school? He may be eligible for adjustments when he takes tests. An occupational therapist may be brought in to work with him on whatever is causing the difficulty with writing. But I would think that if he has this problem, his teacher should have noticed and said something to you, especially if it affects his performance on tests. Start by talking to the teacher and if necessary, the principal about getting him evaluated and to find out if he is eligible for special accomodations at school.

  7. I would first talk to his teacher to see what she notices in class, what difficulties he has in school. She should have also talked to you about this problem since he's already 10. He may need to be assessed by a professional to see whether there is a learning disability (it has nothing to do with his high intelligence, he may have a problem translating down on paper what he knows in his head) and only then can they know how to help him. Don't take all this guilt on yourself, your school should be involved. You can talk to the counselor there, that's his/her job to tell you what to do if there is a problem. Don't worry, there is a solution to all this, but first you have to know exactly what the problem is.

  8. well there is a great program called which is called kurweil... it reads back what you have wrote and helps you fixed what you need to fix the program is about 200 dollars

    google kurweil  

  9. If I were you, I would have him evaluated. He may have dysgraphia. There are some conditions that cause this, i.e., dyslexia or Asperger's syndrome (children can be quite intelligent with these conditions). You can purchase special paper from AVKO where the child can feel the lines because they are raised. This might help. I agree that he could meet with an occupational therapist at his school who would probably give you things to do at home. Some children get really worn out by the process of writing and thinking about what they are going to write so recording things and then typing and writing them out may help. Good luck!

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