
My son is 10mnths old and still wont wave bye bye & is not walking yet is something wrong that I should worry?

by Guest60997  |  earlier

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My son is 10mnths old and still wont wave bye bye & is not walking yet is something wrong that I should worry?




  1. Children all do things at different rates. There are some exercises that you can do with your son to help with the motor skills that will help him in walking. Have him on his back with you sitting on the floor with him. Take his right arm and left leg and touch them together in a cross body way. This promotes both sides of the brain to work at the same time. Continue with the other side. You can make it more fun by making up a silly song to sing with him.

  2. There is nothing wrong with him. My son is 10 months old also and he still doesn't wave bye bye or say any words. He did start walking at 9 months, but we have a friend who's 10 month old still doesn't crawl. All babies are different, I wouldn't worry.

  3. All babies are different.

    Some will start walking earlier than others.

    I know one baby who was just over one year old when she learnt to walk.

    If your baby seems happy and healthy don't worry, it will all come with time.

  4. Not at all. Some kids take a while to get the hang of waving and most don't walk until closer to their first birthday or later. Every kid develops differently and I'm sure your son is ahead of the curve in other areas. However it's easier to notice what our children aren't doing yet as opposed to seeing all the things they are doing. I bet he's ahead of the game in his verbal skills? My son was faster to crawl and walk but took a little longer to start talking. I have friends that had the opposite experience with their kids. Don't worry. It'll happen soon and will be well worth the wait.

  5. Every child is different, you can't compare to other children. Now if he is 1 years old and not doing that stuff I might be concerned. It depends on how early he crawled and stuff. Is he walking along furniture? Are you encouraging him to wave bye bye? Its all in what you teach him and how much you work with him in developing his communication skills.

    As for the walking you should be encouraging that too.

    Try it and i'm sure he will start.

  6. Nope, there's nothing wrong with that at all.

    Neither me, nor any of my siblings, walked till we were over a year old.

    I know a little boy who just started walking weeks ago, and he's 19 months old. He's doing just fine.

    Don't worry about him, babies mature at all different rates.

  7. Hello, it's normal. My son was one before he walked and two before he really talked (i mean saying more than mommy, daddy, and no). If your son is an only child that might be way to. Just keep talking to him and such but don't push. He might get the wrong Idea. Besides, he will do it when he is ready.

  8. He is perfectly fine! My 1st walked at 9 months and my 2nd walked just a few weeks before his 1st birthday.

    He is doing things at his own rate and will do them when he is ready.  Encourage him to walk and wave though, don't stop doing that!

  9. Most babies don't walk till they are about a year old

    so no nothings wrong

  10. There is nothing to worry about. Children all develop at their own rate. Be worried if your baby doesn't develop these skills by the age of 3 or 4.

  11. no

  12. very child is different. my 2yr old didnot walk until she was 16 mnths

  13. Nope, some are early and some are late bloomers. Don't worry. Just keep him up on defining his motor skills. :)

  14. Every child is different and will reach milestones at different times. If every baby did the same thing at the same time and age, then that would be weird :) He is fine. My baby took her first steps on her first birthday. Does he have a little push walker thing that he can hold on to and push around and walk behind? I think most people would say 10 months is early to walk. Rare I think... Sounds like he is just fine!

  15. No, some kids just do things later than others. There is this baby girl at my church and she is only 8 months and she is walking and I didn't start walking until I was 14 or 15 months! Don't worry. I think your son will be fine. Have a great day! :)

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