
My son is 11 should i be in the examing room during his t******e exam?

by  |  earlier

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  1. ask him

  2. ABSOLUTELY NOT! If you were in there that might make your mother/son relationship a bit awkward don't you think so? Trust me he will feel better about it and you will too...then there will be no awkwardness on the ride home : )

  3. In my opinion, you shouldnt unless asked by the child.  At the age of 11, boys usually consider themselves old enough to things on their own, and having their parent in an examination room while a doctor examines them makes them very uncomfortable.  But it is all up to whether or not you feel comfortable having your son alone during a t******e exam.

  4. troll look at her other questions!

  5. Don't ask us, ask him. Yet again, you can't really trust people now-a-days. The doctor may do something he's not suppose to. But just ask him.

  6. Not unless he asks you to stay

  7. Just turn away....have him to your back.

  8. ask him what he would perfer. if he has a father have his father take him

  9. Probably not, unless he asks you to stay.

  10. if daddy is  around or a male family member they should go in there with him but if your son is fine then no dont go in there with him...

  11. I don't think he would want you in there.

  12. if he wants you in there. ask him

  13. if his father is around maybe he should go instead but only go if he wants you to be there.

  14. You need to ask him if he wants you there.  If he says yes then fine.  If he feels more comfortable with you out of the room then so be it.

    He is 11 and that is an awkward age for boys and their privacy.

    If he does want you in the room, I would still try and give him some privacy by turning around and not watching the procedure.

    If he does not want you in the room, do not take it personally.  He is growing up and may be trying to be more independent.  You can tell him that you will be right outside the door if he changes his mind.  Hope this helps a little.  Good Luck.

  15. just if he ask u i think

  16. Ask him if he wants you in there!

  17. um well i guess i wouldnt want my dad in there ( im a girl) so no

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