
My son is 12 now....and he has an erection all the time, is that normal?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a single Mom and don't have much experience with male puberty at this age. I'm afraid to try to discuss this with him.I would prefer to talk to our cat.




  1. All great answers so far. Do you have a brother or other close male freind maybe at least talk to another guy you trust for your own peace of mind. Then if your son is okay with that guy tell him he can talk to this person about any "guy" stuff he's going through. But also try to get comfortable with talking to your son cuz he may want you to be the one who is there for him.

    And there's books on how to talk to your kids about s*x. Buy one, Read it first, then leave it out on the coffee table where he will see it. It could be a good ice breaker. And lets him be the one to bring it up without feeling pressured to talk.

  2. umm  if ur son is 12 then how do u know he has an erection all the time? becuase usually if they are wearing pants how can u tell if they are having an erection? anyway, it is normal, maybe u could tell him if he ever has any ?s whatsoever, then he can come talk to u regardless of what its about, drugs s*x schoolwork etc.  Or if there is an older male relative in the picture like an uncle or grandfather or maybe a friend of urs  her husband or a friends of his dads or someone like that who can talk with him if he has any?s that would also be good,BUT ASK HIM FIRST IF HE WANTS TO TALK TO U OR THEM,  GOOD LUCK

  3. I have 12-years-old boy.

    I am not single, but my husband refuses to discuss anything related to s*x with him.

    I did all the talking. Pre-teens love funny stories, so have some fun talking even about erection. I am sure he has seen some adds on TV, so that will be a nice opening for your conversation.

    I must say- you better talk to him yourself otherwise he will look for help from his friends at school.

  4. Well, I wouldn't just go talk to him about it. Maybe leave him a note, a general note, or a general talk, if there was anything he ever wanted to talk about, no matter how weird, you'd be willing to get through the "awkwardness", and talk. Don't try to pressure him into talking about that stuff.

  5. I can understand how you feel, but if you can see if you can find a book on a such topic that talks about s*x and erections, (a male sexual health type of book) and have him read it.

  6. Yes, it's completely normal for a 12 year old boy to have an erection. In fact, it would be completely normal for a 12 year old boy to m********e. Which he could also be doing.But don't spy on him to see if he is because that's his personal business. If he wants to talk about the erections or puberty to you then listen. Let him come to you instead of you going to him. Another thing to know is he may be teaching them about puberty in his Health class.

  7. Yes.  

    And I don't think this is something you really need to talk to him about, he knows he has erections and it is probably embarrassing for him.  It might be a good time to start talking to him about s*x though, before he figures out what to do with his erections.

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