
My son is 13 and he is in love with his mums sisters sons daughter..

by  |  earlier

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is this good news or bad news..




  1. so that's his second cousin and do you really think hes in love?

  2. isent that like a second cousin? i dont think its good it it is

  3. Um...  bad news I think because if it is his mum (you)'s sister (his aunt) son's (cousin)'s daughter (1sr cousin or 2nd) um.... arent him and her related into like family then? This means he likes his 2nd cousin... this isn't good... I guess they can marry but will be considered like g*y...

  4. doesn't sound good.

    i'd stop it while they're young.

    and they are only 13. he doesn't even know what love is!

  5. He loves his 2nd cousin? Well that isnt bad or good, just be supposrtive of him...

  6. Okay, well... you are his mom, so he is in love with your sister's granddaughter... and she is his 2nd cousin.

    This isn't the best news. I seriously doubt that they're going to get married or anything like that. He's 13. How in "love" could he really be?

  7. Of coarse bad news in the sates i heard you take blood tests before you get married to see that! be a parent and put an end to this

  8. no he should see all his relations as brother and sister he shouldn't fall in love with his own blood its sick and should be stoped

  9. If they're related, by some how, that may not be to good. It'd be sorta weird.... : /

  10. I don't get this. Is this his niece or second cousin? What kind of love? Friendly love or like in a serious relationship? It's probably bad news.

  11. I would say bad, because I'm pretty sure this would make them related some how

  12. He is your son and he is only 13.  How about putting an end to it by stepping up and being a parent?

  13. your sister.. his aunt.. son... so his cousin.? cousins daughter?

    yeah, thats not the greatest news..  

  14. I'm with you AW let him know that's fam and they don't mix like that.  One plus is he's 13 so he'll probably grow out of it

  15. neither, he's 13 and I wouldn't go as far to say he "in love" when he's so young.

    It could be viewed as bad and very few would see it as good seeing as how they are related and all, but its perfectly legal (however frowned upon)

    Its likely he'll get over as he is so young but if he dosn't its up to you wether or not you're okay with it. if you not then best to sort it out now-talk to him and explain your point of veiw etc....

    if you're fine with it then just leave it to work itself out.

  16. That is great news!!! Let's all celebrate!

    It can't be all bad.

    My grandmother and grandfather were first cousins.

  17. ummmmmmm I couldn't put all the relation together, but I guess it is not good, if they are blood related!

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