I took my son to the Dr. a couple weeks ago, as I thought he maybe had a Urinary Tract Infection. They did a test, and it was negative. His symptoms are frequent and painful urination, strong sense of urgency to go, but when he goes, he can't go but a little bit, and it is very painful. He also had traces of blood in the urine when this happened a couple weeks ago. The Dr. said it may just have been an inflamed urethra, and did not give us any meds for it. I had him drink lots of water and cranberry juice, and it went away by the next day.
My son called me this morning and told me it is back, and my son is on vacation with his friend's family in Florida. I wasn't sure what to do, and I told him to drink lots and lots of water, take some Tylenol, and if it gets worse call me - as they may have to take him to a Dr. down there.
Has anyone had this happen to them, or any clue what it may be?