
My son is 14yrs old. He studies his lessons, but tends to forget. could anyone help / suggest a remedy? tx.?

by Guest59855  |  earlier

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My son is 14yrs old. He studies his lessons, but tends to forget. Im based in the U.A.E. Could anyone help / suggest a remedy? Could someone suggest a doctor or a medication thats effective? Im anxious about his future, as hes failed 2 classes and is repeating for the second time this time. Tx and God bless for any genuine feedback.




  1. see link:

    I can't be much of a help, because I never have problems with my kids learning something. However, there are times when I become the teacher in things/subjects that their schools aren't covering. I take them to museums and learn by touching, sight and auditory or I do it just to get them ready for their next grade level.

    I am sorry I wasn't much help.

  2. The brain is a tangled web of information. We don’t remember single facts, but instead we interlink everything by association. Anytime we experience a new event, our brains tie the sights, smells, sounds and our own impressions together into a new relationship.

    Our brain remembers things by repetition, association, visual imagery, and all five senses. By knowing a bit about how the brain works, we can become better learners, absorbing new information faster than ever

    Check out this link:

    Good Luck!


  3. your should talk to your son and see if their is anything bothering him he might be  hurt by something you should go deep in his heart i know this because i was a lot like him believe me he has something to say

  4. hmm forgetting is a result and remembering is the goal...therefore the root of the problem is the process -' his ability of not remembering'. Have you witnessed his studying strategies? Are there any environmental distractions? Is there anything bothering him effecting his ability to concentrate? Maybe he just isn't using the right tools...some ppls are auditory listeners other do best by looking. You might need to help him distinguish which works best for him. He is still a child who needs your guidance. I've noticed that kids who tend to do well do so because their parents are invovled. Also has he been tested for ADD or other disorders? He may just need a tutor because if a child is weak in one area, they tend to be weak in related areas and strive in the opposite. Such as Math-English.

  5. Have him write some notes on the homework with key facts to jog the memory. Drill him a little with those facts and try to ask him a question every few minutes just to see if he can retain the answers.

    Studying just before bed is supposed to help retain memory.

    If he isn't alert when studying have him try some Mountain Dew soda- lots of caffeine- great for focusing my ADD son(not just before bedtime).  But, he did get hooked on it and is now learniing to focus without it.

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