
My son is 16 and needs free learning programs for learning at a 8th grade level. Are there sites for this?

by  |  earlier

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He is smart and loves to learn on the computer, he's just been "pushed" through school and now I need to find FREE programs to help him catch up. Can you tell me of some sites that have free downloads?




  1. i dont no any free programs but you can let him go online and practice release TAKS test for all grade levels.


    You get like a free week trial and after that you have to pay, but it is a very affortable price! and most schools already have a account that you can accsess for free. Just ask the school!

    Hope that helped! Email me if you have anymore questions!

  3. go to the learning things on tv

  4. is available for anybody, no signing up needed. you choose what subject and then give them your information(grade, and gender)and then it is like a board game, but subject related. there's a mini game for every piece of the board, and you have to get through them all to win. Hope i could help!

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