
My son is 17 years old and is on probation and an ankle monitor for 18mths. and he doesnt want me to help him?

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I have tried to get him to work for his stepfather doing construction work making 8.00/hr. He quit in the middle of a big job his reason is he is thinks he is not being paid enough. He now says he doesn't want my help or to talk to him. I love him very much and I am scared he will end up messing up on his probation and get it revoked. He has mentioned trying to get into the Military, is that possible that the judge might let him join the Military, we are in Texas...any suggestions?

Signed a desperate mother trying to save my son.




  1. I've heard of many cases in which the judge accepts a military enlistment as an alternative.  

  2. Have him talk to his probation officer about going into the military, and see what he suggests.  It might be the best thing for him.  If he hasn't finished high school, he can in the service, and further his education there too.  

  3. Their isn,t anything you can say that he will listen to .He will learn one way or another. He knows that you love him.I think that he is an angry guy. Find someone to talk to him that he will respect .

  4. He's 17 and considers himself an adult.  Is he one of those kids who's a know it all?  Just let him do his thing.  When he is 18 he'll find out what an adult is and learn responsibility.  Anything you say or even if you try to get him another job, he'll mess it up.  While he lives in your home, it's your rules.  Tell him to get a job and pay off his probation.  Leave it up to him to schedule his appointments and get around.  There is a slight chance he could be depressed, given the situation he is in.  Hopefully things will look  better for him as he gets closes to his 18th Bday.

  5. Is he in high school?  If he doesn't have a diploma he should be attending soon.  Do not allow him to wallow around the house without working.  $8 is more than he can make anywhere at his age and with his inexperience.  He really sounds like he hasn't learned his lesson and I hope it doesn't take jail or prison for him to learn.  Is he required to work or go to school as terms of his probation?  Can you enlist his father's help?  A preacher?  As a last resort I would ask his probation officer.  That may be the only person who has any influence with him.  Make sure he doesn't have access to drugs or alcohol and monitor his visitors.  He should not be trusted.

    The military might not take him.  If they do, they will make a man out of him.  The only problem is that he could end up as a dead man.

  6. The military would do this young man a world of good. Speak with his probation officer, there may be some issues with the type of crime he was involved in.

    If it makes it into the military, you'll hardly recognize him but you'll like the new him.

  7. it depends on what he was convicted of. i think if he can go to the Military it would be good for him. but you can't quiet half way there  

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