
My son is 18 months and takes a 3 hour nap everyday usually from 12:30-3:30-too long??Sleeps 10 hrs per NT.?

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My son is 18 months and takes a 3 hour nap everyday usually from 12:30-3:30-too long??Sleeps 10 hrs per NT.?




  1. ~ as long as your son is not fussing when you put him down for a nap,,,I wouldnt worry,,,,,some little ones relish their naps,,,and others just are never nappers.......I myself at my age ,,,would love to take a 3 hour nap in the afternoon...... :)

  2. No reason to think twice about it as long as the schedule works for the two of you. It sounds like he gets about 13 hours of sleep a day which seems to be working fine and that's all that matters. There will probably come a time -- within the next year or two -- when he will not seem to be tired enough at night to go to sleep at whatever you consider to be bed time and then you will probably want to shorten or eliminate the nap but, until then just stick with what's working.

  3. My daughter is 18 months as well... she sleeps a very similar amount- 2-4 hour nap during the day and sleeps about 12 hours at night.  The amount of sleep each child needs varies, as well as the amount of activity in a day.  So even with the amount he usually sleeps, if he has a particularly stressful or eventful day, he may need more sleep.  No worries- sleep is good!  As long as he doesn't seem lethargic or have loss of appetite, he needs his sleep!

  4. My advice is ENJOY IT, mama! But don't count on it. My daughter has gone through many nap phases and we just went from 3 hour naps every day, to a two hour nap once a week. Oh well. I'll take what I can get when I can get it.

    I know how you feel. When she first started in with the marathon naps, I woke her up. I figured 3 hour naps weren't normal. That was the dumbest thing I have EVER made. She was piiiissssed!

    So, yes...let him sleep. And catch up on some Tyra. :)

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