
My son is 2.5 yrs old & has started going to school since last 15 days,he is getting very phobiac towards it.?

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he gets up from the mid sleep and starts crying about not going to school,it seems he is getting very depressed with the thought of going to school and has started to get scared overall,this behaviour of his bothering us,his teachers say that he's mostly silent in the school,he is communicating normaly about his activities in school and shares about his activities to us when we ask him.We have tried different methods to make that procedure interesting for him and try to play act and other stuff,but its not working,please share ur views on this.




  1. My first thought is to evaluate if you are happy with the school and the teacher. If not, switch now before he adjusts.

    My son usually only acts this way when he hasn't had enough sleep. We also always speak very positively about going to school. Have you asked him WHY he doesn't want to go? Usually, my son will say he wants to stay home with dad, but dad is a nurse who works nights and sleeps days, so staying home isn't an option. I am very clear to him about WHEN I'm coming back to get him. They don't understand time, yet, so I tell him I'm coming back "after your nap" or "after you go outside in the afternoon".

    I would just give it some time. If he hasn't ever been away from you before, it may take some adjustment.

    Think about it, does anyone really want to go to work every day. Most of us would rather stay at home and play, but that's just not the reality of life.

    ETA: At this age, the separationa anxiety stage has already peaked at 18 months and he should be working into autonomy. My son started going at 16 mos (2 days a week) and really never cried or anything.

    My family kept me at home until the day I was required to go (age 5). I STILL remember how traumatic it was and I vowed my son would start going before he would remember anything. The key to me is a good facility you can trust.

    I feel they are like sponges at this age and the more education we can give them the better. My son doesn't go to a place where he just plays with toys all day. They make learning a fun, play-type activity.

  2. Mine was like that...but she was 3 when she started..maybe he is too young? He has seperation anxiety...can you not send him when he is older?

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