
My son is 2 and a half, what educational games and activities can i do with him:?

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My son is 2 and a half, what educational games and activities can i do with him:?




  1. V-smile is great!!!  Both of you have fun.

  2. There are lots of games and activities you two can have. Like when you visit the zoo for ex. you can ask him the name of the animals there. You can ask him to count how many of this kind did he see. That way you're teaching him to count as well as knowing the animals. You can apply this to other stuff you two do together. When my son was that age his favorite game is Lego. He loves to build things. Helps their imagination to grow. If you don't have one yet, get the bigger blocks. It's easier for children his age.


    this music includes counting songs, counting backwards songs, adding songs, dance songs that are fun ways to learn.

  4. Talk to him a lot. Read to him. Show him how to draw to increase his co-ordination.

  5. Read picture books with him.

    Do little easy puzzles.

    Watch videos like Baby Einsteins with him.


  7. picture flash cards are excellent for word and picture association. Also memory games such as pairs or "the tray game" this is where u place about five objects( eg spoon, toy car, crayon etc) on a tray and cover them with a towel, remove one object and ask your child to decide which one is missing, be sure to praise effort as well as achievement as this boots self esteem and encourages children to want to learn. As long as your both having fun its never a waste of time. Reading with chidren is also fantastic. You can ask your child to predict what might happen next using clues in the pictures or ask how the people in the pictures might be feeling depending on thier facial expressions, this will also help him in social situations to be able to read his peers and adjust accordingly to the situation.Another idea whilst sharing books is to miss out words and see if they can come up with what goes next, he doesn't have to be right, but it will encourage him to think about the story and to use his imagination. Have fun!

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