
My son is 2 and a half he has hard time talking is this bad?

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he say like 15 words but under stands ever thing and if you tell him to do something he will but he dont talk alot for hes age my sister in laws kids talk alot more then he does and one is his age one is a year older but he dont really play with other kids alot




  1. Don't worry about it my son is 2 and was saying only 15-20 words last month now he is talking my ear off and repeating everything that is being said .. like yesterday he was watching cars and when fillmore says "thats a conspiracy man" he repeated it perfectly =] As for your SIL kids I believe since the little one has an older sibling and they play more together the little one picks it up from the older one. He'll be talking more and more as the months come.

  2. I would contact early intervention and have him checked by a speech therapist. By 2.5 years old they should be saying like more than 200 words. My son will be 3 in november and he is being tested for apraxia. At 27 months old he still only said about 10-15 words and he was really frustrated. Once he got into speech therapy (free through early intervention) his vocabulary got better until he just really started talking about 6 weeks ago. He now says 150+ verbal words  and knows 50+ signs. Other than his siblings, my son does not play with other kids often either.

  3. no at all, children talk at different age's my daughter said her first word at 1yr and said nothing till she was 2 and a half, now at 6yrs  she never shuts up and can speak better then me. don't worrier just enjoy the peaces and quit whiles you can lol

  4. its fine, kids develop at different times, if your worried talk to a doctor they deal with children all the time and should be able to answer your questions, the main thing is that he understands what your saying the speach will come eventually :)

  5. according to my parents I didn't really start taking till i was 3 they were at the point were they were going to take me to a specialist and i guess out of no where i just started talking away. plus with ur son he might just be shy around people or just want hush time and just doesn't understand how talking is an amazing thing

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