
My son is 2 years old and has had diarrhea for about 1 month straight now. what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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should he get an x-ray of his stomach ? i'm worried about him.




  1. Last time I checked we were not doctors on here. Take him to a doctor

  2. well have you spoken to a doctor? He may need to change his diet. Many children actually have gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. It may just be as simple as a shift in diet.

  3. What has the doctor told you?   Have you sent him to a doctor?    I know of an adult who had diarrhea for a month and was severely dehydrated,  need hospitalization and then rehabilitation to get her strength back.  

    Need more information.   If you haven't sent him to a doctor then this could be serious.  

  4. Take him to the Doctor!!!! My one year old has had diarrhea now for 2 days I took her to the Doctor this morning he wants her only to drink pedialyte only, absolutly no food at all and if she still has it we have to go in and they will do a stool culture to see what the cause is...but in her case he said it is just the stomach flu probably...but a month is a long time!  

  5. You must speak to your doctor, that is not right. Maybe he is allergic to something or has a nasty bug, either way you must get proper advice to help him.

  6. take him to the doctor!

  7. If you mean diarrhea--as in regularly timed bowel movements but that are watery, then you could be dealing with a food sensitivity which is different than a food allergy and incidentally won't show up in blood testing. You would need to do an elimination diet. Think about whether you have introduced new foods recently.

    I'm not sure why you would suggest getting an xray of his stomach, unless perhaps you have already been to the doctor and they have suggested it and you don't know if its an appropriate treatment. You would have to tell folks here why the docs think they should do one. What you really need in this case is a second medical opinion.

  8. Well at least change his diapers. Then maybe a doctor wouldn't hurt either!!!

  9. A MONTH AND YOU'RE HERE ON YAHOO ANSWERS? ARE YOU SERIOUS! This is a serious situation. He could have food poisoning or Gastrointestinal disease. He could get dehydrated! How old are you? ARE YOU SERIOUS?

  10. A month, seriously? You should have called the doctor after 3 days. What is wrong with you? Go to the doctor!!!!!

  11. Take him to the doc, might be lactose intolerant.

  12. i would haveat least called the doc by now.

    Sound like some type of infection in his system...try avoid milk

    and milk products.  Above all the doc.

  13. You should have taken him to the doctor about three weeks ago.

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