
My son is 2 years old & he is very dreamy. He doesn't mingle with other children early.?

by  |  earlier

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He always takes a cloth or bedsheet & keeps rubbing on his hand. He also keeps on dreaming. Please suggest whether this a disease or nornal behaviour of children of his age.




  1. That may be...I'm sorry I'm drawing a blank AUTISM sorry i remembered but dont be alarmed its only a slight maybe i haven't even seen him so don't take my word for it its best you take him to a specialist for a diagnosis its possible hes just shy and inward i was like that.

  2. Too early for autism diagnosis...

    He is a child.

    Look into Ericson or Piaget for child development theories...

  3. My 3yo son was like that too, not very social with other children and kept to himself. Does he have any other habits that are unusual? I had my son evaluated for autism because, he had some unusual habits and very anti-social. If you are concerned, let the doctor know and maybe they will suggest getting him evaluated. You never know, he might just grow out of it.

  4. I wouldn't be too worried about it, but i would definitely take him to a doctor and him him checked out. Repetitive actions and antisocial tendencies can be caused by things like autism.

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