
My son is 20 and works full time. He has not been in enrolled in college for over a year. Do I still pay?

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My son is 20 and works full time. He has not been in enrolled in college for over a year. Do I still pay?




  1. no he is 20 and earns his own money simple as that! why would you pay you have to teach him independence  

  2. Why is this in the toddler and preschool section?


    You don't have to pay child support, if that is what you are refering to but you may have to pay all or part of tuition still if it is on a loan or payment plan. You aren't responsible for other expenses (like if he took out a personal loan while still in college). Anything like that would just be out of the kindness of you heart.

  3. Yes I personally think that it is the parents job to pay for their children collage regardless of what age. I mean like 35-40 and over no. But your son is just 20 years old, trying to find out what he wants to do with his life. Would you have rather him gone to school right after high school and end up dropping classes and not going and wasting your money? I think you should still help out with his college. We have children so that they have a better life than we did. So that means if we have to work two job, then so be it.

  4. pay what? and why is your son still a toddler in college?

  5. If you are talking about child support, it depends on the age of emancipation in the state of the child support order (Alabama is 19, GA is 18, NY is 21, etc.).

    But emancipation can depend also on if the child marries early, joins the military, or is truly out on his own - i.e. renting his own place.

  6. 20 years old and you still have to pay child support??? Student or not, THAT'S INSANE! Who were you paying this child support to? I can only see paying child support for  a GROWN child if he's physically or mentally challenged! Not a  HEALTHY ADULT!

  7. Do you have the right category?

  8. Thats if you want him to go back to school.  I'm trying to go back to school and I work a full time job but its so hard with out my parents support.  Tution keeps going up every year.

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