
My son is 20 hours on the PS3 and PC?

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he doesnt go with his friends, too shy and too closed inside,

i wonder how can i offer him to come with me to basketball or other activity without getting upset at me. how to change...




  1. First off he is probably being social while he is on the computer!  You have to remeber the social structure of our kids world is different than when we were kids.  They get together online as much as in person. I would get him a Wii system!  Along with a Wii Fit. He can be social on it and play games against his friends.  I have even seen these in places that have pool tables and foose ball.  There is usually a line of young people lined up to play.  The great part is that most the games involve physical movement (I like hula hoops).  This way he can play the sports you want him to. he will do so with friends and he can still be shy while playing.

    Sounds like a win-win situation to me!

    Put the Wii in the main room on the biggest tv so everyone can use it.

    Many people (Including adults)  find they lose a lot of weight because this is so much fun!

    This is my favorite:

  2. You are the parent... WHY don't you be the parent and put limits on his game playing.....  So he gets mad, Ohhhh poor thing, he will get over it..

  3. Is he's so hooked on vid games and the computer, tell him to play a bball game on the computer then try to get him to play real with you. tell him that he will stay healthy and be happier and he might want too! hope this helped.

  4. my boys want to play computer games all day long. it was difficult for me to enforce time limits because they'd ignore me if i told them to get off the computer, and sometimes i wouldn't push it because when they were on the computer i'd get some quiet time in the house. you definitely need to enforce time limits. i wrote a simple and effective computer timer that makes it really easy to enforce time limits. it has ended the fighting in our house. once you set the limits (like 1 hour per day), the software gives your child reminders about how much time is left and then blocks them from using the computer when their time runs out. it's called TimesUpKidz. try it and let me know what you think:

    I read a good book about computer game addiction by Hilarie Cash. it's called Video Games & Your Kids: How Parents Stay in Control. video games aren't benign. i think you should get rid of the PS3 unless YOU are disciplined enough to enforce time limits on it.

  5. Ask him if you can play with him, I bet he has a co-op game. Then you can casually talk to him.

  6. Why would he be upset if you invited him to a basketball game?

    But, it may take some time, but find out what games he plays.

    If it is sportsgames - take him to a real live game of that sport.

    If it is racinggames - take him to a racetrack.

    If it is shootinggames - well.. paintball is an option :) (you need a couple of people for that though).

    If you do it forced, it might not work.

    Just take it slow, and try to get some interest in what games he plays - so that you might share some game time with him, and have an opening that way.

  7. talk to him about the dangers of playing too much video games, my cousin almost went crazy from playing that much.

  8. My son will ride his bike alone for a half hour just to earn screen time from me, and I don't care if he's upset at me.  I make up excuses to send him out of the house and we take him places, i.e., sporting events, fish store, etc. whenever we can.

  9. I had the same problem, i use to be on the PC hours without gettng off, then my mum got fed-up and took my laptop and my console's away from me, i was upset, i cried (i was like 14 then) but eventually got over it and started going out with friends to cinema etc.

    I would suggest you tale both away from him, yes he will shout and cry but he will learn, then a week later, give it back to him but put time limits on them, e.g. 2 hours on the computer max unless for schoolwork (keep checking if he is actually doing school work).

    Good Luck!

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