
My son is 2years old,and I need tips on potty training?

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He has a potty and we wears pull ups but doesn't really want anything to do eith the whole thing




  1. i am a mom of 3 and all were pottty trained before there 2nd b-day.

    Heres my suggestions.  

    first, dont push him.  If its not fun then stop.  If its a chore, he will fight you tooth and nail and he will be 4 before hes trained :)

    I would stop with the pull ups now.  Its teaching him that its okay to pee in underwear.  You need to either put him in underwear or a diaper... or naked.  

    He has to show signs that hes ready to train.  If he can stay dry for extended time periods and wants to sit on the pot.

    You can get him a video, might help him understand what hes suppost to do

    I always saved reading time for the pot.  I woudnt read to them on and on all day, i would say "c'mon, lets go sit on the potty and read a book"

    I dont know what he drinks out of, but potty time is a great time to take them off of sippy cups- here is why...  he cant run around the house with a regular cup with no top, or he will spill it.  So he will start to take a drink and put the cup down.  watch him, if you notice (all mine had a schedule) he might take a drink and pee 15 min later...  all of mine peed within 20 min of taking a drink so, it might work if you can time him.  set him up for sucsess.  

    I would let him wear reagular underwear and if/when he pees in them i would let him keep them on for a few min so he feels wet...

      I hope that helps

  2. put cheerios in the toliet and tell him to try to p in them! the boys love it bc now its a game! or u can do fruit loops! you have to make it fun for them! and when he does p in it get him a treat like a new book or toy or a piece of candy or something you usually wouldnt let him have to show him he did good

  3. Don't use pull ups, it doesn't encourage him to potty train at all! That's like getting an electric wheelchair for a baby that doesn't want to walk! Let him go in his pants sometimes, and constantly ask him if he wants to go tot he bathroom, but don't force him. Make him help you clean up the messes with you, and let him p**p in his underwear.

    I'm sure after a little while your son will be more then glad to go in the big boy toilet.

  4. wait until he's ready and shows some interest

  5. well first off ditch the pull ups! my son who was broken in april at 31months, i was told never to use those though they are easier to control accidents they may not learn the feeling of when they wet themselves! and i couldnt get him to want to sit on a potty chair! so i put a stool in front of the toilet and he stands on it! daddy went in and showed him a little bit, like how to aim and stuff, i just took like a weekend and like 10 underwear. and didnt leave the house, and praised him BIG TIME!!!! and believe it or not, i think kids do it in there own time with my son i pushed it around his second birthday but i gave up he kept peeing his pants! but i would periodically ask him do you wanna try potty again?? and one day he just said yes! so every 45 min. or so i would ask him to please go to the potty! that worked for me

  6. I just finished successfully potty training my 23 month old daughter.  It take a lot of patience and endurance on both of your parts.  I know boys are different than girls but here is what I did.  I never used a little potty.  I put her up on the adult potty and stayed with her (NEVER leave a child alone on the adult potty).  I also purchased a little seat that fits into the adult potty.  I would put my daughter on the potty every 1/2 hour.  This became a habit and she quickly figured it out.  I tried giving stickers as rewards but she really didn't care about that.  She was more thrilled about flushing the potty AND washing her hands.  Those were her rewards.  I also didn't use pull-ups.  I just put training underwear on her.  Yes, there were some messes to clean up but it was well worth it.  It literally took us 2 weeks to train her.  Now she has been dry all day for a little over a week.  I still put pull-ups on her for naptime and a diaper for bedtime, but her pull-ups are dry for her naps every day.  I am going to just put her in underwear for naps soon if she remains dry.  I also got books out of the library about using the potty and read them to my daughter.  There is one from the author Joanna Cole.  She writes one for boys and one for girls.  My daughter loved the books because I used her name instead of the character's name.  Anyhow, good luck.

  7. Don't get angry, it will affect him later in life.

  8. Pull-ups are the problem, use underwear. Also he may just not be ready yet, look for signs he is ready then give him a little push.


  9. Tell him that if he goes potty in the potty he will get an m&m or a gummy bear, since kids that age like little treats so much maybe he will think it's worth it

  10. Put him back in regular diapers and wait until he's ready.

    (Or if you are dead set on starting now, put him in regular underwear and/or let him go bottomless. Pull-ups are not helpful for potty training.)

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