
My son is 4 yrs old & don't want to study & I am not able to give time, as I am working. What should I do?

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Actually, my son usually demands for toys, but b'coz of our financial situation, I am not able to get . Sometimes he became very harsh. These days he is becoming very upset and very rude towards me as well as I have one more baby and often he corelates himself with his brother, that mumma u usually love him more than me, like that sort of things are coming in his mind. I don't know what to do, I am very much worried. As I am also working and not able to give him some time becoz when he usually come back from the school, I have to go for my job. I am doing night shifts. At my office also, I requested them for the day shift so that I can atleast give him some time for studies also and for playing, but not before 1 year, they will aligned me to some other shift. Due to this thing he is also not paying attention towards his studies, usually his teacher say me that he is not very good in academics, but good in drawing. reply as soon as possible.




  1. My only advice would be to spend the time you have with him doing educational and fun stuff. I would make my own puzzles, flash cards, and memory matching game cards with my kids. They loved making these things with me and then enjoyed playing them together afterwards. We also like to make our own puppets using different shapes and then putting on our own puppet shows. There are many fun and educational things that you can do with your child that does not take a lot of time, but does allow the two of you to spend quality time together. It seems like your son just misses you!

  2. Study? He shouldn't need to. But if you think he does when you get to see him on weekends etc. just buy someof those fun workbooks and spend 15 minutes with him going through a page or two. These books are usually really fun and colourful. And about the toys simply tell him that he doesn't need this toy and if he is going to complain then you will take one of his toys away. This works because your son will not want to loose the toy so he will keep quiet and realise what he really needs. At least worked on me when I was younger! One more thing if looking to spend quality time with him why dont you draw with him? Hope I helped!

  3. Very confused....

    What "Studies" do 4yr olds do?

    Somewhere along the lines you were given a series of choices to make.  You made them and now are feeling the consequences of those decisions.

    Your children need you.  You need money.

    You will have to make a determination which is more important, in the short run and the long run.

  4. What do you mean your 4 year old doesn't want to study?  He should be playing, not studying. I understand wanting him to lern stuff, but you need to be there for him to do that.

    I understand about the financial situation as i am in the same boat as well, but we manage to by my daughter a toy or two when we can.  

    Don't you have family and friends to help you out?  You need to spend a little more time with your son.

  5. If I thought this was a sincere and honest question I would answer you but since you are a phony I won't even waste my time!!!

  6. At that age, children mirror their parent's behavior.  You might want to really take a close look at how you are when you get home from a long day of work (tired, closed off, etc.).  He needs a secure, routine, and loving environment.  And I'm a bit confused about "his studies" - he's only four.  He should be playing and learning how to socialize at this age.

  7. what kind of study would a 4 year old have?

  8. he's just 4 years old and struggling with sharing you with a sibling. Children learn in different ways, but mostly through play (puzzles, flash cards). If you're expecting him to sit and study like a middle-school age child, this will never work. When you get him dressed, ask him "What color is this shirt" or if you are doing laundry, "Let's count socks". Believe it or not, this is helpful. When my kids got older, then at the store is I buy two cans of corn for $.80, how much is one? I know this is rough on your body clock (night shift), but he doesn't understand that.

  9. he is 4 he isnt supposed to study leave him alone

  10. He's 4.  Be a parent and quit making excuses.

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