
My son is 5 years old & 15kg in weight, skinny.he refuse breakfast & snak at school. how to gain his weight.?

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he is an active child. is his weight ok for his age? what kind of exserice he needs to gain his weight?




  1. Does your child apear to be unhealthy to you? If he is active andhas bright eyes, and good color he is probably ok. Some people just have a higher metabolisim and don't gain weight as easly as others.My children were all skinny but healthy. I did take them to the doctor to get them checked so that i could tell every ony that the doctor said they were fine.

  2. Try and give him children vitamins that will boost his appetite. But before even trying this I would talk to his Dr. first to see if that is the route you should go. Good luck.

  3. Talk to his Dr. about this I have the same problem with my son he is 7 and weights 43lbs but this is due to his meds for adhd so his Dr. has put him on pedisure for 3 months. He has 1 can at lunch b/c he does not eat lunch at all. Good luck

  4. WOAH! Your kid is underweight!

    Just give him lots of healthy fats, and use WHOLE milk. It should be some kind of red carton in Hood milk.

  5. What's his height?

    He does seem underweight. I agree with the milkshake idea someone above mentioned. He also might not like what he has to eat. Perhaps you should sit him down and ask him what he enjoys eating.

    I used to be underweight when I was that age simply because I was never hungry and it didn't take much to fill me. I was the tallest in my grade too. I grew out of my little eating problem though and I'm fine. Super healthy. The chances are he will too.

    Still seems quite serious especially if he's active. Ensure he at least gets the vitamins and minerals he needs at that age. If he starts feeling weak or doesn't start eating more soon I really think you should take him to a doctor. To be safe and sure.

  6. My 4.5 y/o is 50 pounds... wow..

    I have no idea what to tell you.... give em pediasure to make sure he gets his vitamines!!

  7. He is too thin, I would encourage a breakfast drink in the little bottles, cartons. Lots of kids drink their breakfast, make him milk shakes with a banana and full milk, add multi vitamins powder in it and both drink it. Make it a mum and son personal thing like love for him only.

    Maybe take him to the doctors and check for worms, in this day and age we still do have them. Is he hyperactive and wont settle if that is the case give him more red meat (protein) will build up his muscles.**

  8. It looks like he's anorexic....if he continues, he'll have serious probeblems. I think if he's not eating it at school, ask one of the aids, or teachers, to make sure he's eating his lunch. If you don't do that, maybe have a big dinner.

  9. I've been underweight my whole life. When I was a child I was also active and my metabolism was so quick any fat I did gain couldn't keep up! I would encourage to eat consistently everyday at the very least and keep an eye on his progress. Not real fatty foods all the time though, that's not healthy either. Just a normal meal 3 times a day should do the trick. If nothing shows talk to his pediatrician -- though mine wasn't able to pack on the pounds for me either (in your case kg). Since he has yet to reach puberty exercise won't necessarily cause him to gain weight.

  10. You should be asking a doctor, not a bunch of amateurs like us!

    Don't be giving him any weight control supplements without talking to the doctor.  Stop being so obsessed with his eating - he wouldn't let himself starve to death.  He's probably just not going through a growth spurt.

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