
My son is 6.5 and has to have something in his mouth!-chew on toys, blankets--he was a biter until 4.5-normal?

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My son is 6.5 and has to have something in his mouth!-chew on toys, blankets--he was a biter until 4.5-normal?




  1. how is the rest of his development?If it is fine then sounds like just a reminder to stop will do it. If there are other signs of things then I would be talking to the doctor. Autistic kids often like to chew things all the time

  2. My daughter always just had her hands in her mouth, constantly. It was not a developmental problem, she is almost a grade above her level. It was a habit. She is 9 and still does it a little but it was constant until after 7 or 8. I just told her a hundred times a day "get your hands out of your mouth" I made a hand signal for it because it embarrassed her to point it out in front of people. Now I just say her name and she immediately takes them out. While it is annoying it is simply a bad habit. Keep working on getting him to stop. I just said it calmly instead of calling a lot of attention to it. Half the time she did not even notice she was doing it. I finally decided it was just the same as telling her to put her shoes up etc. it is just one of those habits you have to nag out of them LOL.

  3. Try giving him licorice (the staler the better), beef jerky, and other chewy edible things.  Everyone has certain things they do to help regulate their systems-- everyone has certain things that make them feel better when they're feeling nervous or upset.  Your son may have some mild sensory problems and the input he gets from biting and chewing on things may help him focus.  Just a thought-- good luck!

  4. Oral fixation... I would monitor it and see if you can get him invloved in some activities that distract him from this behaviour

  5. it sounds like a sensory problem. read the book called "the out of sync child". also find something that you would find OK for him to chew on, and let him know that he may chew on it when he feels the need.  one of the books I read suggested rubber tubing. you could find a food item if you want.

  6. i still do that and im 21 i always have a jolly rancher(other hard candy) or gum in my mouth all the time its a fixation try giving him sugar free gum to keep him from chewin on stuff that he can choke on

  7. My son will be 4 in a few months. He is the same way. He was a biter, but we quickly nipped that in the behind. But he still has a problem with putting things in his mouth. We are constantly telling him to "take that out of your mouth, it isn't food". I hope you get a good answer so that I can take it.

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