
My son is 6. The last few days he has been waking up complaining...?

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that his ankles or feet hurt. One day it was one foot and the next it was both. What could this be? He hasn't been playing especially hard or doing anything abnormal.




  1. Off the top of my head I would say it's growing pains but if the problem persists i would suggest seeing a Dr or a foot DR to make sure there is no serious problem.

  2. Could be nasty growing pains! I still remember when I had them growing up. My mom always gave me Motrin and put icy hot cream on them which helped.

  3. Most likely it is growing pains!  This is typical during certain periods of childhood.

  4. I'm with everybody else here. My daughter is almost 6 and has been having similar problems, although she complains more about her legs than her feet and ankles.

    Watch how he walks. Does he do anything silly like walk on the sides of his feet, heels, or tippy toes? He could be straining himself a bit. .... I know you said he hasn't been doing anything abnormal, but I consider that to be a 'normal' activity for some kids.

    The pediatrician suggested I make sure my daughter gets plenty of calcium and potassium. You probably already know, milk, cheese, and yogurt are great for calcium. Broccoli and some other veggies can also be good if he hates dairy. And bananas are a great source of potassium. My daughter loves it when I throw a ripe banana, milk, a little ice, and very small amounts of sugar and vanilla in the blender for her after school snack or breakfast.

    Motrin can also help ease the pain so that he can sleep better at night. ... Try increasing his calcium and potassium intakes and giving him a dose of regular childrens' motrin before bed for about a week. After that, continue to make sure he gets plenty of calcium and potassium and see how he does without the motrin.

    If this doesn't help, or if he starts saying it hurts again when you stop giving motrin - speak with his doctor.

    Oh yeah! I almost forgot the fourth ingredient of the growing pains cure! Give him lots of hugs and a little extra cuddle time :) I know some people seem to be against 'babying' boys. But he's just a little kid and he's in pain. It's good to reassure him that you will be there when he needs you.

  5. probably growing pains

  6. Probably growing pains.  My son had the same thing.  Give him some tylenol.  It will go away on its own.

  7. Growing pains more than likely.  If it continues, check his shoes for proper fit, check with school about what he does outside - running/jumping, etc......If it still continues speak with pediatrician

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