
My son is 6 and still sleeps with not me but my grandma should this stop?

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i cant get my six year old son to stop sleeping with my grandma ,i make him sleep in his bed,on the couch,but no matter what he still ends up sleeping with her. now she is highly pissed off that im really enforcing him not to be sleeping with her because hes too old.what should i do? about her being mad and him rebelling against me?




  1. I do not find this objectionable. Data shows that grand-parents have great impact on the character of the baby.

    IMO, one can go ahead as it is.

  2. I am not sure why this is highly inappropriate as advised by one of the other posters.  Does he have overnighters at his grandma's on a regular basis?  Or is it once a month or so?  If he sleeps in his bed when he is home with you and he's not sleeping with grandma consistently then I dont see it as a problem.  He is only 6, he's not 16!!! I am sure when he gets a little bit older he will want to stop sleeping with grandma anyway.  I wouldnt have a problem with my son sleeping with his grandma if he was 6, I think its kind of sweet and certainly not inappropriate.  We want kids to grow up too fast these your grandma's day the whole family probably slept in the bed together so I would imagine she wouldnt see it as wrong.  Think about the reasons why you dont want your son to sleep with her - like I said, if he is sleeping ok in his own bed the rest of the time then I am sure it is eventually something that will stop of its own accord.  Have you heard the saying dont sweat the small stuff, this really is the small stuff - pick your battles (I dont think this is one of them) there will be bigger things to worry about than this in years to come...

  3. I don't think it's really a big deal. I'd let him sleep with her. He'll outgrow it. It's not like he's 16- that would be odd.

  4. Well she can lock her door so he can't come in and she can wake him up and make him go to bed. That is the only way to break that habit

  5. That's HER fault, she's the adult not your son, she should get her butt out of bed each time he comes to her and put him back in his bed.  I had to do this with my son literally 30-40 TIMES a night (8 months pregnant to mind you) for weeks and maybe even months for him to learn that he MUST sleep in his own bed.  He was only 2 yrs old so it was even harder than it would be to explain to your son why he has to sleep in his own bed and that there could possibly be punishment for not listening.

    You really need to work with your grandma as a team to get this worked out. Now these are not MY words but I recently read in an article about spoiled children and one of the signs is not being independent and the example was not learning to sleep on their own, so I would really enforce the rules and make your grandma do it too!

  6. My little brother was about 11 when he stopped sleeping with my mom, and a big part of that is because my mom wanted him to. I used to pick on him all the time so that he wouldn't, but that never helped. Eventually he stopped on his own and hasn't been sleeping with her for a while..(mainly because my 15 month old son sleeps with her now, but thats only because i work 3rd shift and he's used to sleeping with me) There's really nothing to worry about, as long as he is getting the rest that he needs don't worry. He'll grow out of it.

  7. Yes, you should make him sleep in his own bed.  And as for Grandma's feelings believe me she will get over it.  You have to do what you have to do for your son.  Did she let you sleep with her when you were six?  Good luck.

  8. Tell her he's not allowed to sleep with anyone! Buy him a new sheet set, comforter, etc. Reward him for sleeping by himiself! Tell him he's a big boy now and grandma needs her space. DO NOT be afraid to talk to grandma about it. I had a talk with grandma about my baby, and BOY, she hates me now, but at least my baby is safe! Good luck!

  9. don't change something that's good.  mothers know best.  and there are no data that shows sleeping with grandma is bad for kids.  But is he afraid to sleep alone?  Maybe you can give him a teddy bear to sleep with.

  10. As long as the grandmother is condoning this behavior it will be hard to make it stop.  It is highly inappropriate, a six year old should know how to sleep on his own, and your mother (mother-in-law?) shouldn't encourage the situation.  

    You have to get her to understand that he is a six year old little boy, and aside from that you are his mother.  You do not want him sleeping with her anymore, and you should expect her to listen to you.   She is undermining you as a parent, and in all honesty if she doesn't stop doing that you should consider moving (or moving her out if it is your place).

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