
My son is 6yrs old and very aggressive by nature. how do i handle him.?

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My son is 6yrs old and very aggressive by nature. how do i handle him.?




  1. Agressive How.... with you?  or other kids?   our answers should depend on the description of behavior.

  2. My son is also very aggressive yet he can control himself and knows there is a time and place for it. I keep him involved in most sports and allow him a lot of jump around time. At times he crosses the line at inappropriate times and we just reinforce that the behavior is unacceptable at that time and always point out a time that will be better. This way he knows he will be burning the energy soon.

  3. Try to teach empathy, things like "how would you feel if someone did that to you?"

  4. Keep it simple,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tap that *** or get him on some meds!!!

    Good Luck!!!

  5. talk softly so he will have to stop what ever he is doing just so he can hear you.

    if that dont work try working out with him.  get him so tired that he has no energy to be aggressive.

    and something that worked for my aggressive son, find some old VCRs or something like that and let him take them apart.  find something to divert his energy into.

  6. the best way to handle an aggressive child is to be very calm with them. Never really raise your voice or show your temper. Of course, still discipline them! But do so in a calm manner that makes you appear unaffected by him.

    children do eventually learn by example. He'll start to get calmer if he's in a calm household.

    Good luck to you!!

  7. #1 Find him an outlet. Look for different things that he is interested in. Find a class or activity where he can go enjoy himself and relieve stress and get out some of his energy. This could be a sport, a martial arts, an art class, anything that he feels interested in. The sense of accomplishment from doing something he enjoys will help him out greatly.

    #2 He is old enough to discuss and understand that there are right and wrong behaviors. Talk to him about ways that he may handle things inappropriately and give him options for better ways to handle the situations. Roleplaying may help that. Put him in other people's shoes..."how would you feel if someone else acted like that to you?"

    #3 Positive reinforcement. Reward appropriate behavior. Get a calendar. Everyday that he handles his aggressiveness in a good way, put a sticker on the calendar, when he gets a certain number of stickers, he can have a special day with you and/or your spouse. Kids crave attention, so they will eat up any opportunity to get even more attention.

    Whatever you choose to do, you need to make your expectations clear "I will not tolerate.....," make sure that he understsands exactly what the consequences are if he acts inappropriately, and follow through. He will probably test you a few times, but when he finds out you mean business, he'll know the consequences and consider them before he acts.

  8. He probably doesn't realize he is this way. Video tape him. Show him how he is acting. Ask him if he thinks this is acceptable. Keep reaffirming what is and what is not acceptable. If you can afford karate, maybe the instructor can help you out. Its good that you realize he is this way so that you can help him out. good luck.

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