
My son is 7 and he started to wet himself every day,, does anyone have any suggestions.?

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My son is 7 and he started to wet himself every day,, does anyone have any suggestions.?




  1. It could be an attention thing. I had a daycare and had a boy in it by himself to start with and never had a problem but as soon as my daycare picked up and had more children  he started wetting himself.

  2. My son is 7 and was doing this a few months ago.

    First take your son to the doctor and rule out any medical problem that he may be having.

    Then, examine carefully events that may have happened recently.  He may be stressed or anxious or angry and doesn't know how to tell you. Book a session or two with a counselor if necessary.

    With my son, he was looking for an excuse to leave the classroom, and he knew if he wet himself he would be sent to the nurse.  It turned out that there was an incident in school where he was discriminated against due to his race and he didn't know how to handle it. We talked about it at home but he was still very troubled and basically didn't want to be in his class anymore. We took him to a counselor and she resolved the issue after about three sessions.

    I'm not saying it will be exactly the same for your family but that's what worked for us.

    Hope that helped! Best wishes.

  3. I would take him to a dr. to have him examined first , then ask what is going on in school or sitters. Has he changed in any other way? Im not trying to scare you it may just be for attention, but it is also one of the common signs of molestation.

  4. Go to the dr. and see if he has a UTI.

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