
My son is 7 mons old and fell off my bed, he is acting fine, i was just wondering if...?

by  |  earlier

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anyone else has had an experience like this at this age??




  1. Accidents happen, but just to be safe I would call the pediatrician just to see if they want to check him out. Not to scare you, but sometimes they can act fine and go to sleep and have a concussion. Im sure hes fine though.  

  2. my baby brother has fallen off soo many things.. he'll climb on the couch and roll off.. Its part of being a baby I guess.

    He's probably fine.. my brother usually gets up and laughs it off.. Dont rush to see if there okay, if he gets back up.. check his head.. or whereever he fell.. if he crys then get him.. learn from the mistakes!

    Good luck

  3. My son is 6 1/2 months hasn't fallen off the bed...... but he did slam himself backwards this morning.... really hard.... and knocked his head.  Scared the c**p out of me.  He has been acting fine so I am trying not to worry.  He is napping know so I just keep going in and checking on him every 10 minutes.... to make sure I can wake him.  Just keep an eye on your son.... make sure he is acting normal..... make sure his eyes aren't dialated.... and check for any swelling where he may have bumped himself.  If he gives you any reason for concern.... definetly take him to the er.  If not.... just pay close attention to him for the rest of the day..... for any warning signs.  Try not and stress too much.... you son is not the first.... nor the last baby to take a spill.

  4. Yes, my daughter did that, and just about busted her nose at the time, she had a big scab for almost two weeks that looked like hitler's little mustache. She was just 7 months old too, lol.  

    If she's playing fine, and there are no indented bumps(if it pushes out, it's fine, it's when they sink in that they need to be checked out), then she's fine.

    You're not alone :D

    Good luck!  

  5. yes! yes! yes!

    Everyone was just talking about this on another question ;) I think all mommy's go through it! Some of us twice with the same baby!!

  6. Emma did not fall off of the bed, but she did bust her mouth at seven months old.  You feel terrible for letting them get hurt....

  7. A yup! He fell off the bed the first time when I turned my head to grab a diaper. I almost caught him, I had the tips of my fingers under him when he hit the floor. The second time was at my mum's, and he was sleeping in my little sister's bed. I didn't hear when he woke up, so he crawled off the bed. He still sleeps in the bed, but I bring a monitor with me to hear when he wakes up.

  8. yes, not a bed but a table so I called the dr at his home since it was after work hrs... and he said to make sure eyes not dialating or one biigger than other and acting alright... & If the bump is going in (indenting inwards) then take him in could be a concussion. If its a goose-egg(outward) bump then hes fine...

    & to wake him up every s often to check on him.... through out the night. they say its not good to fall directly asleep, but my son is known for fallling asleep after an injury.. but just kinda make sure breathing while sleeping..

    But the scariest day of my life was when my son had fell off a small table in his bouncer when he was prob about that age.. i forgot how old he was...

    but the bouncer broke his fall I think he didn't barely have a mark. needless to say I quit puttin him on the table when i did dishes lol...  this happened when he started kicking alot and he was my 1st so I learned a valuable lesson. But accidents happen and I was a new mommy : )

    My son has also fell off a bouncy ball thing and hit the stove hard and blacked out for a second & was also fine.... they are stronger than you think... buts  just make sure bump isnt going inwards. Good luck

  9. no but i know someone whos daughter fell.. how high was the couch.. r his pupils dialting.. u might wanna get him checked out even if he seems fine... but accidents do happen@!

  10. YES!  My son, 7 months old, did last night.;...

  11. My son has fallen off the bed and he was a few months younger than that. He is 7 months now. I felt terrible that it happened, but I just kept a close watch on him. If he is overly tired, cries like he is in pain, his eyes aren't dilated, or if there are any other strange things you notice call your Dr. or take him to the hospital.

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