
My son is 7 months old and is now starting to talk. ?

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My son Jake had a check up and when the doctor walked in he looked at her and said hi! Her mouth dropped to the floor and I said wait and hear this.... Jake looked at me and said mom. This happened about a week ago and we are amazed just like our doctor. She wants me to bring him by in a month so see if he is saying anything else. The funny thing is a month ago I called and had questions about Jake not makeing the right sounds for his age. Now look at him. Has anyone else heard of a baby starting to talk so early?




  1. my son didn't make words that early but that is amazing you have a smart little guy on your hands

  2. My daughter starting saying mama at just under 6 months old.  No one believed me at first, but after a few weeks other people heard her too and thought it was crazy to be speaking so young.  She was speaking in sentences by the time she turned one.

  3. My son started saying "hi dada" at 7 months old when his dad comes in the room, he also says "bye-bye", "mama", "nana". I am a stay at home mom and have been reading and talking to him ALL day since we brought him home from the hospital. My first child started saying "uh oo" when she dropped things at around 6 or 7 months old. It is pretty rare for babies to start with words so early but definately something to be proud of. Talk to him constantly and I am sure he will say much more, very quickly.

  4. my son was saying dada and mama and talking at 7 months and by a year he was speaking pretty good, saying alot of words, hes doc was pretty amazed by it

  5. My little girl is 3 months old and I talk to her alday long and then while we are playing I keep saying Momma Momma and now when she gets really mad she cries and goes MMMMMMaaa she didnt use to make that sounds just coos and stuff So I am hoping that this makes her able to talk. But not to soon! LOL Once they start they dont stop HAHA! Congratulations. You might have a doctor or lawyer on your hands!!

  6. Different children progress and different rates.  They always give you those hand outs that say what your child should be doing...those are basically just general guidelines.  It doesn't mean that it can't happen faster or slower.  I say just be happy and proud and take joy in how blessed you are.

  7. bloody h**l

    i say congratulations!!!

    You have just given birth to a baby eintstein!

  8. The only baby I've heard of talking that soon had a genius IQ. You differently have an advanced baby on your hands.

      My daughter just turned 7 months on Sunday and is already standing alone! I couldn't believe it about two weeks ago she starting sitting up on her own and then she started pulling up. Now just two weeks later she's standing alone and is trying to walk, I'm still in shock. My other children didn't walk until 9 months.

      I think babies now days are just born advanced. Congratulation's on your smart baby!


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