
My son is 7months can i teach him to speak faster& to induce his brilliance &intelligence?

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he now started learning can i teach him good manners,behaviours.iwant to teach him rhyms,alphabets,numerals.could he

be able to follow me?tell me about the teaching methods too.he listens to music,watches videos.he tries to get up on his own & stands with little support.but not yet started crawling.what to do with that?i wish he should not feel hard to face the competitive world when he grows up.i wish him to be number1 in good aspects like his father.will my wish come true?for that i wish to train him right that too early?




  1. Although most would commend you for your enthusiasm, I'm going to issue you a warning.

    The way you're going, and the plans you've mapped out in your head are not healthy. They're ambitious, granted, but to even consider approaching all of these things with a 7 month old child is not healthy. It is WAY too soon to begin any educational lessons with this child. Right now, he has his hands full trying to remember if he's supposed to use his feet or his hands to move around.

    There will be plenty of time for teaching, but the time isn't yet. Right now, all that child should be doing is eating, sleeping and playing. That's it. And that's all it should be doing for the next six months at LEAST.

    What worries me is your over eagerness to push this child to perfection. Pushing children before they are emotionally and mentally ready for what you're trying to teach them not only backfires, but it can also have a negative effect in the longrun, the most common of which is resentment of you.

    In a few years, you're going to look at that child and wish it was still a baby. Time goes so fast, and you'll miss the stage when it was just cuddling and playing. Don't take it for granted and enjoy it now for what it is. Save the lessons and learning for when he's ready to understand it and when it will make a difference.

    And, I stress the importance of this, do NOT expect perfection. If your child cannot live up to your standards of what is perfect and, as you said, number 1, you will only succeed in making him feel ashamed of himself for failing.

  2. u should start off with simple words like papa,mama,moon ,stars will work fine and u child will be able to speak fast as sosn as possible.

  3. At this age the best thing to do is let him play and let him be curious (but not the the point he could harm himself of course).  You can give him toys that focus on learning the alphabet, numerals, etc. would be the best thing.  The key is just let him have fun and think that learning is fun.  Putting to much presure on the child to learn could be disasterous.  Check out and/or and look at age appropriate toys that may teach lessons you would like your child to learn.  Just remember the key here is play right now.

    Good Luck!!!

  4. well.....tlk to him in the desired languege u want him to learn and whn askd wt u r sayin make him understand..nd make him do things in ways through which he will develop an interest that might help as well

  5. Rome is not build in a day. what children need is learning through play where they can explore and discover it for themselves. no speeding development, no killing children's creativeness.

  6. U R SICK IF U WANN MAKE HIM MAD THIS EARLY.. leave the kid to grow himself.. Pls dont spoil that buddy .. just leave him and let him know the world first

  7. For god's sake your son is seven months old!! God already has many lessons mapped out for him during this phase of his young life, seeing colours, following objects, recognising people, getting strong enough to walk and talk someday.. dont you think his normal workload is enough?

    And oh yes, another thing he is going to be doing, bonding with his mother... thats you.

    Make it fun and lively and creative, yes, teach him so that he learns with a sense of wonder. If his father is brilliant, chances are he is already inclined to be bright. Dont stamp on that spark with monotony and the burden of 'becoming something' 21 years down the line.

    With a mom like you, one can tell his life is going to be a sad cycle of homework, classwork, and ... oh yes, homework again. What about making him a well-rounded individual, with a good sense of self, confidence and ability to learn about varied subjects, sports, extra curricular activities, not just math and physics?

    Your child is an INFANT. Let him be one, albeit if its only for another six months.

  8. place him in a private school

  9. Let him listen to classical music and opera. His toys must always be intellectually challenging like making patterns, matching colors and the like. Talk to him and tell him a lot of stories from books. Always introduce him to new things like different kinds of flowers and plants.But what is more important is to keep him enjoying these things. It good to push your child a little ahead but don't push your child to hard. I was trained this way by my mother. Now I am a medical student and will be a doctor in 2 years time.

  10. no its not!! i think that "early birds catches the worm". if he starts now, it'll be faster for him to understand what he's going to learn in the future. teach him at his own will. expose him with good attitude and behavior. don't let him even once see u do a very odd activity. music and videos are effective for ur son to be influenced and to learn.

  11. Let him aroused, be enthusiastic, expect appreciation and give these enough to him.  Practice makes perfect.  Speaking is to be practiced by orasion of voice from the voice producing organs - (neck)  All such things, if compared to a little child, would be aware.  Imagine, how you became to be a reader, bit-by-bit.  Isn't it.  A single word a day would make 365 words a year.  Try to read and approach him with some 'mimicri' or form or arts of speaking faster.  He would follow it.  Create such a surroundings in the home if possible.  Surrounding has a serious impact for the education and growth of a child.  Did you hear the story of Swamy Vivekananda, who expressed in the class that he wants to be a horse-driver (driver of the horse-cart) as he sees his cart-driver enjoys it.  The whole class laughed at him, as others told to be a Doctor, Engineer, Barrister, etc., But his mother solaced him showing the picture of a horse-controller - the picture of 'Lord Krishna advises Gita to Arjun in the horse cart.  Have a little time to spend for the child, pls.

  12. don't push that poor boy too hard. he's only 7 months old, u should be encouraging him and helping him grow and develop, but it is way too early to force him to be the best. he'll have plenty of time for that when he becomes a teenager and feels like the whole world is judging him. for now, just read to him, talk to him, play with him. and lead by example. if u want him to be persistant and motivated, you need to be persistant and motivated. lead by example, and count and talk and recite the alphabet to him. eventually he'll start to learn what he sees you do and hears you say.

  13. Have you heard of baby sign language? It helps the child to communicate at a younger age, and reduces the baby's frustrations by not being understood. Try these sites:

  14. I would buy him baby Einstein books and toys, and also any other educational toys.

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